Sri Sundarabahusthavam – 33



  • SlOkam 97:
  • S97

    nakha krakacaka pradhikrathita daitya vakshassthalI
    samuttha rudhiracchaTa: churita bimbitam svam vapu: |
    vilokya rushita: puna: prati mrgendra SankAvaSAt
    ya esha narakesari sa iha drSyate sundara: ||

    This Slokam has a rare anubhavam on NrsimhAvatAram by KUresar. The unrestrainable anger of Lord Nrsimhan is described in a moving manner.


    The Azhakiya Singar (narakesari) used the tip of his saw like nails (nakha krakacaka) to tear apart the chest of HiraNyan. Blood poured out (daitya vakshasstalI samuttha rudhiracchaTA) and the Lord saw His body’s image (bimbitam svam vapu: vilokya) in that pool of blood. For a moment, the Lord got a flashing doubt (SankhA) whether there was another lion nearby (prati mrgendra:) and His anger heightened and He roared again (puna: rushita:). Lord Narasimhan of that form is seen now at TirumAlirumcOlai for all to come and worship Him.

  • SlOkam 98:
  • S98

    kshitiriyam jani samhrtipAlanai:
    nigiraNot giraNot dharaNai: api
    vanagiriSa! tavaiva sati katham
    varada! vAmana! bhikshanam arhati ||

    BhagavAn’s VaamanAvataram is saluted in this Slokam. EmperumAn even dared to beg for the sake of Asrita samrakshaNam His own property by taking on the VaamanAvatAram.


    Oh Boon granting Varada! Oh Vaamana! Oh SundarabAhu! How is it possible for You to go and seek dAnam from some one, when the whole universe and its aiSvaryam belongs to You. You create, protect and dissolve this universe; You spit it out from its place of safe keeping (Your stomach) after deluge and You support this universe on Your back (KUrmAvatAram) and hold it on Your tusk (VarAha avatAram). How can we understand You begging for Your own property from an asuran, who appropriated it for himself?

  • SlOkam 99:


bhArgava: kila bhavan bhavAn purA kundasundara vanAcaleSvara! |
arjunasya bala darpitasya tu cchetsyati smarati bAhukAnanam ||

ParaSurAma avataram is celebrated here. During this avatAram, the Lord of TirumAlirumcOlai destroyed King KaartavIryArjunan with His axe (ParaSu) for the offenses that he committed and also killed the bad kings for 21 generations (dushTa kshatra nibharhaNam as per NaDAtUr AmmAL).


Oh Lord of VanAcalam known for the beauty of the Kunda trees (kunda sundara vanAcaleSvara)! Once upon a time, You incarnated in the vamsam of Bhrgu Maharshi as BhArgavarAmA (bhArgava: bhavAn). Your weapon was the sharp axe (ParaSu). Do You remember (smarati kila) Your cutting off the dense forest like thousand shoulders of King KaartavIryArjunan (arjunasya bAhu kAnanam chetsyati), who was arrogant about his bhuja bala ParAkramam (bala darpitasya arjunasya bAhu kAnanam)?


ParaSurAmA was the fourth son of Bhrgu Muni, who tested the sarveSvaratvam of Sriman nArAyaNan. EmperumAn entered in to that son of Bhrgu as AvesAvatAram to destroy the Kings, who had slipped from pursuing Raaja dharmam. While ParaSurAmA destroyed 21 generations of Kings and performed tarpaNam for them with their own blood, He spared the good and great kings like Janaka, YudhAjit and others. KUresar asks indirectly the Lord of TirumAlirumcOlai as to why He is sparing adhArmika king like the Cozha rAja, who was the cause behind his losing both of his eyes.


Oppiliappan KOil Sri Varadachari SaThakOpan Swami

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