Unpleasant Developments at Parthasarathy Swami Temple – Thiruvallikeni


Do we care about Traditional Structures? Are authorities from Alien land?

When we are already saddened by the ‘Controversial Syllabus’ about Sri Periyalwar and Thayar Sri Andal, there seems to be another controversy, this time at Thiruvallikeni temple in laying of new flooring inside the temple premises. Just after entering the temple, on the left side, the traditional stone flooring is planned to be replaced with marble flooring and also the authorities are planning to erect a shelter there by destroying the traditional look, structure and stones around. Many religious groups has already voiced against it , but in vain.

Will government realize the responsibility to maintain traditional structures as it is? Can they build something of this sort today, which Pallava Kings has done? If not, why to destroy them!

Voice against it!

Please participate in this online signature drive against this decision taken by the temple administration. Also forward it to other like-minded people.

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Reports from Tamil dailies:

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  1. It seems that there is no proper supervision, control, by the Head of the Department. How can this be done ? Who authorised for such works ? Is it necessary to have a seperate Department, to erase the culture, historical facts etc ?

  2. The Chief Minister’s attention may be drawn. Hope she will not permit this sort of destruction of culture. If no result, a stay has to be obtained for prohibiting the violation of agamas.

  3. At present the temple administration is like a rotten eggs.
    Mr.Eswaran and Mr.M.A.Soundararajan are looting the temple money. The present D.C. has no control over them. I request, both HR & CE Department and Chief Minister should intervene and instruct the DC to remove the slabs and also not to proceed with the erection of shed.

  4. The matter shall be brought to the knowledge of entire sri vaishnava community. We should rouse to the occasion to protect the structure as it was. The heads of various Mutts shall also intervene in this subject barring Kalai and protest against the decision of the HR&CE Board.

  5. This happened few years ago at Tirumala and now being replicated at Tiruvallikeni. Where is ASI and what are they doing? We cry over few buildings which are just few decades years old and do not care for heritage structures which have been standing for centuries. It is a shame for Vaishnava community if these atrocities are further allowed to happen. Why not approach the Hon’ble High court of Chennai and get a immediate stay on the proceedings and then fight the case out and have a permanent solution? Reaching out to the CM will be only a temporary solution.

  6. I request the Chief Minister to fire the concerned officials of the temple as well as the persons, especially Balaji, as she was done in the case of Councilers, to stop the unpleasant things in Sri Parthasarathy Swamy temple. I also request the CM to remove the recent structres, sheds, ticket counters which are all against the temple customs and usage. Even in Nasthika Government headed by MK has not done like this.

  7. It is not fair for the temple administration (HRCE Board) to take unilateral decision to change the flooring design is against the temple agamams. Before taking such steps they should find out the views of Sri Vaishanava Mutt heads.The authorities had not bothered to do any procedural and have wounded the feelings of several bakthas. It is high time the Hon Chief Minister should interfere and instruct the HRCE Board not to resort to such practices and restore the old status.

  8. There are some positve aspects to be considered: The new smoother floor should be more comfortable as long as it is safe; A shelter can be viewd as providing relief from exposure to the Sun.
    It would be more apt to motivate the Administratio to maitain cleanliness around the temple (unhygenic at present) and reduce the “shop” culture at the entrance

  9. Temple autorities to put in temple notice board at the main enterance well in advance to get the public views. this should be brought to the notice of honourable CHIEF MINISTER immediately without any delay.

  10. The administration should be transparent. The new incumbent should not heed the advice of Easwaran, who is most culprit and previously he was under suspension. According HR & CE administration itself clearly indicate that the customs and usage should not be violated. No addition or deletion of the present structure of the palla temple should be made before getting the consent from the public and from the Department. It is alarming to note that the temple has erected unnecessary shelter near Maha Mandapam for special entrance ticket which will spoil the temple beauty. I request the present Chief Minister, who is an ardent devotee of God immediately instruct the DC of Sri Parthasarathy Swamy Temple not to proceed with the shed, remove the already erected slabs and also the special ticket entrance structure. If she does so I myself in particular and the entire devotee in general will be very much grateful to her.

  11. They are not having any right to spoil the traditional structure… they have to stop it immediately…when the HR&ce department clearly indicate that the customs and usage should not violated,, the government should not allow this, they have to stop it immediately without delay…..

  12. The temple authorities may please heed to the appeals of the devotees of Lord Parthsarathi and desist from meddling with the ancient strucure and architecture.

    The ASI may please caustion the temple authorities.

    Hope better wisdom will prevail upon the concerned personnel of the temple authorities.


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