Sri Goda Stuthi – 29 (Phalasruthi)



Swamy Desikan states that GodhA sthuthi rose from him as a result of fully blossomed Bhakthi for Her (Vikasitha BhakthE: utthitham). All sthOthrams of Swamy Desikan blossomed forth from his Bhakthi. For example, he says Sri Sthuthi arose from “upachitha Guru BhakthE:” Guru here does not mean AchAryan, but huge. In GodhA sthuthi, Swamy says that the flower of his Bhakthi has fully blossomed like the Senkuzhuneer Pushpam in Godhai’s hastham.

SevA SwamigaL points out a subtle prayOgam of Swami Desikan, when he says in the second paadham, “Bahu guNa ramanIyAm VAKTHI GodhA sthuthim Ya:” With the use of “Ya: Vakthi” in his 29th slOkam, Swami Desikan according to the Desika Bhaktha Rathnam reminds us of Godhai’s words “ingu parisuraippAr” in Her 30th paasuram of ThiruppAvai. Swamy Desikan hints further that One will get the Kaimkarya Sri of nithya Sevai at the lotus feet of Sri RanganAthan, whether one understands the meaning of the slOkams of GodhA sthuthi or not. The mere recitation by One (Ya: vakthi) will confer such an exalted boon. That reciter will also become very dear to the Lord of Srirangam, the dearst consort of Godhai (Ya: vakthi, Sa: Sreematha: Rangabharthu: bhaumAnya: bhavathi, Sa: Sreematha: Rangabharthu: SaasvathIm SaraNa Kamala sEvAm abhyupaishyathi) besides attaining Kaimkarya Poorthi.

Adiyen will conclude this series on GodhA sthuthi with a slOkam from SevA SwamigaL’s sthothram on GOdhA:

kim Saasthram, kimu kaavya rathnam
athavaa bhakthi pradhAnA sthuthi:?
kim vaa naaDakamanyadEva
rachanam PourANikI kim kaThA?
aascharyaamala sEmushI vilasitham
kim vaaa rahasya thrayam ?
GodhA gIthamidham paDanthi
Bhuvi yE tE dhanyadhanyA janaa:


Why (study) Saasthrams or Kaavya rathnams or other sthOthrams laden with Bhakthi or PurANams or for that matter even the most auspicious and blemishless Rahasya Thrayam? For the One, who recites GodhA sthuthi given to us as our Kula dhanam, that blessed person becomes the wealthiest of the wealthy people on this earth. His/Her Isvaryam has no match.


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