Swami Desikan’s Adhikara Sangraham: Sloka-15, 16


16 December 2021, Plava varusha, Margazhi-01, Thursday;


The 15th Paasuram of AdhikAra Sangraham deals with AdhikAri vibhAgam of Mumukshus
(the subdivisions of those who seek MOksham based on the upAya anushtAnam chosen by
The Mumukshus choose either Bhakthi yOgam or Prapatthi yOgam for gaining Moksham
based on their Sukrutha taaratamyams (variations in their previous karmAs). For those who select Bhakthi yOgam as the means for mOksham, they do not need to perform prapatthi for achieving mOksham and yet they must observe prapatthi as a rite for the removal of the obstacles in the form of karmAs that stand in their way of performing the upAyam for Moksham.
The key passage of the 54th paasuram is: “vithi vahayAl yERkum anbar onRil mooNDu
moola vinai mARRutalil Mukundhan adi pooNDu anRi maRRu ohR puhal onRu ilai yena
ninRanarE” (Due to Sukrutha tAratamyams, Mumukshus observe one of the two upAyams
for removal of all the karmas that retain them in SamsAram and recognize that there is no upAyam for Moksham except performing Prapatthi at the sacred feet of the Lord).
Here Swamy Desikan instructs us that the ultimate goal of Moksham attained by those
practising Bhakthi or Prapatthi yOgam is identical. One who observes Bhakthi yOgam as the means is known as SadhvAraka Prapannan. He attains moksham thru the fulfillment of Bhakthi yOgam with the performance of prapatthi to remove all obstacles that stood in his way of seeking mOksham. One who seeks Prapatthi yOgam as the UpAyam for Moksham is known as adhvAraka Prapannan. Both have to observe Prapatthi. Both have Bhakthi. For Bhakthi yOgam observer, prapatthi is an angam (part) of bhakthi yOgam. Prapatthi yOgam observer uses Prapatthi as the direct means (upAyam) for Moksham.

Swamy Desikan says in the slOkam echoing these thoughts: “Sucharitha paribhAga bhidayaa dhvEdhA” (due to their differences in karmAs, they fall in to two categories: sadhvAraka and adhvAraka prapannan) “yEkasya prApthi: viLambhEna” (For the one who observes Bhakthi yOgam, MokshAnubhavam happens with delay); “Parasya aasu: prApthi:” (for the other one observing Prapatthi, the MokshAnubhavam is experienced quickly).


This 16th Paasuram of AdhikAra Sangraham deals with UpAya VibhAgAdhikAram.

Here Swamy Desikan contrasts the two upAyams for Moksham. MEANING: Those who feel unfit to practice the rigors of Bhakthi yOgam and yet are eager to gain Moksham without delay perform prapatthi yOgam. Those who clearly understand Prapatthi as the upAyam that is quick to practice (kshaNa karthavyam, done in a trice) and quick to yield phalan are the ones who understand the true message of Vedam. The rigors of Bhakthi yOgam as upAyam for Moksham are formidable and very few have the capabilities to practice it in this yugam.

The key passage of this Paasuram is: “karumamum Jn~Anamum patthiyum onRumilA viraivArkku anRu aruLAl payan tarum aaRum aRindhavar anthaNarE” For those who can not practise Karma, Jn~Ana and Bhakthi yOgams, Prapatthi yOgam is the only UpAyam for Moksha siddhi. For such PrapannAs, SrIman NaarAyaNan stands in the place of Bhakthi yOgam (sTAnam of Bhakthi yOgam ) and grants the fruits of Moksham, when desired.

Courtesy: Sri Oppiliappan koil Sri.V. Sadagopachariar

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