Poundareekapuram Andavan visits Ahobila Mutt, Srirangam


07 November 2021, Plava Varusha, Aippasi-21, Sunday;

46- th Pontiff of Ahobila Mutt Srimad Sri Narayana Yatheendra Mahadesikan Swami performed Aradhanam for Sri malolan since 5th November 2021.

During this Special celebration, On 06 November 2021, Pondareekapuram Srimad Andavan Swami performed Mangalasasanam for Sri Malolan of Ahobila mutt, in Sri Dasavathara Sannidhi at Srirangam. Ahobila mutt Sishyas welcomed Poundareekapuram Swami with Poornakumbham and later he was felicitated by Sri sadari from Sri Malolan. This special event of both the Matadhipathis in same place made many sishyas participate enthusiastically. All the assembled devotees and sishyas were enthralled and got the blessings of Sri Malolan and Acharyal.

Photos taken during the event can be viewed below:

Photo courtesy: Sri. N.S.Raman, Sri Pazhaveri Sriraman

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