Ring Murruku



Ring Murruku :


• Rice Flour – 1 cup
• Water – 1 cup
• Split Yellow Moong dal – 1 ½ – 2 tbsp
• Cumin Seeds – 1 tsp
• Sesame Seeds – 1 tsp
• Chili powder – 1 tsp
• Ghee or oil – 1 tbsp
• Salt to taste
• Oil for deep frying


1. Soak split moong dal in water for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
2. In a deep bottomed pan, boil water on medium flame, and then add salt to it.
3. Add ghee and moong dal to it; bring it to boil and slowly add the rice flour to it.
4. Using a rolling pin or the ladle, mix the flour with water stirring it well.
5. When the flour is mixed and done, turn off the heat immediately.
6. Cover it with a lid and keep it aside for 10 to 15 mins.
7. Once the dough is cool, add chilli powder, sesame seeds, and cumin seeds and mix well.
8. Knead till you get smooth dough.
9. Adjust the salt and spice depending on your preference.
10. Then heat a pan with enough oil.
11. Grease your fingers with oil and pinch out a small lemon size ball and roll between your palms to form a thick rope.
12. Bring the two ends together and press it ensures that the ends are firmed pressed so that during frying the ends does not open. Do the same for the whole batter.
13. To check the oil whether it has become hot, put tiny bit of batter into the oil.
14. Then gently slide the rings in batches of 4 -5 in the hot oil.
15. The flame has to be high until the rings come up to the surface, then lower the flame to medium and cook till you get a golden color on the rings.
16. When the rings are golden all over, using a slotted ladle, remove to a kitchen towel and cool it. Store in an air tight container.


ring murruku . ring murruku .. ring murruku... ring murruku Ring-Murukku

Courtesy : Smt Bhaktin Malathy

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