Purana Ratnam – Vishnu Puranam – Part-15 with Upanyasam



This Series contains the commentary written by HH 45th Azaghiyasingar in his Porvasramam (Sri U.Ve. Vidwan villivalam Krishnamacharyar) along with the video upanyasam of Setlur Paiyambadi Sri U.Ve. Srivatsangachar Swami.

For previous Parts visit: http://anudinam.org/category/stories/

Thanks to Sri Krishna Sabha of Mumbai for the video file of this upanyasam. The upanyasam of Srivatsangachar Swami in this video was organized by Sri Krishna Sabha during Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi yearly event. If the viewers of this video would like to appreciate the effort of bringing this rare collection to us, please contact Sri Krishna Sabha for your contributions.;

Sri Vishnu Puranam_1 Sri Vishnu Puranam_2 Sri Vishnu Puranam_3 Sri Vishnu Puranam_4 Sri Vishnu Puranam_5 Sri Vishnu Puranam_6 Sri Vishnu Puranam_7 Sri Vishnu Puranam_8 Sri Vishnu Puranam_9 Sri Vishnu Puranam_10 Sri Vishnu Puranam_11 Sri Vishnu Puranam_12 Sri Vishnu Puranam_13 Sri Vishnu Puranam_14 Sri Vishnu Puranam_15 Sri Vishnu Puranam_16

For previous Parts visit: http://anudinam.org/category/stories/

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  1. The video uploaded under the head part-15 seems to be the same video as in part-14.
    The video files by themselves are different I suppose, where the uploaded part-14 has additional 3 minutes of the customary prelude that includes the Sabha Banner and the programme board. But then on, both the videos are quite the same.

    I kindly urge you to find if you have a distinct part-15 in your files and re-upload.
    This series has been my personal favourite, and I hope to many of the regulars at Anudinam, and I would appreciate if I get a chance listening to it in the full.

    Thanks again!


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