Sri Sundarabahusthavam – 12



  • SlOkam 34:
  • S34

    kanaka marakata anjanadravANAm
    mathana samutthita sAra melanottham |
    jayati kim api rUpamasya teja:
    vanagiri nandana sundarorubAho: ||


    Oh SundarabAhu with beautiful and stout shoulders! Your TirumEni has an indescribable hue made up of the blending of the essence of gold, marakatam and collyrium. This unique kAnti outshines every other hue. This unique hue of the Lord’s TirumEni is known as “mayUra-kanTha-dyuti-hema”. This is a SreshTa lakshaNam according to sAmudrikA SAstram. This multihued color can be seen on the neck of a peacock. In the case of the Lord, the gold color component came from MahA Lakshmi. The color of the body of BhU PirATTi and ANDAL is like Marakatam (greenish hue). The collyrium hue (dark bluish black hue like the dark rainy season cloud) is the natural hue of the Lord.

  • SlOkam 35:
  • S35

    kim nu svayam svAtmavibhUshaNam bhavan
    asau alankAra iti Irita: janai: |
    vardhishNu bAladrumashaNDa maNDitam
    vanAcalam vA parita: prasAdhayan ||


    The Lord of this divya desam is known also as alankArar. PeriyAzhvAr salutes Him as “azhagan alankAran”. One wonders why He got the name of alankAran. There are two reasons given for the origin of this name

    His tirumEni does not need any other AbharaNams to add beauty to Him. The bhUshaNams and weapons gain their beauty by serving as alakAram for Him. Hence, He is known as alankArar.

    The other explanation comes from the sandi: alam karoti iti alamkAra:. alam means contentment and satiety. When one enjoys the sevai of this Lord, our mind stays away from the enjoyment (alam karoti) of all vishaya sukhams. That is why He is also saluted as “alankArar”.

  • SlOkam 36:


sukhasparsai: nityai: kusuma sukumAra angasukhadai:
susaugandhyai: divyAbharaNagaNa divyAyudhagaNai: |
alankAryai: sarvai: nigaditam alankAra iti ya:
samAkhyAnam dhatte sa vanagirinAtha: astu SaraNam ||


There is a chapter in VishNu PurANam known as “astra bhUshaNAdhyAyam”. Here, the sUkshmam of all the weapons of the Lord representing one or other tattvams is revealed. It is also pointed out that these weapons and AbhAraNams are nityam (eternal) and they incarnate with the Lord as appropriate with each avatAram. These weapons like the AbharaNams have a soft touch (sukha sparsam), divine fragrance (susaugandhyam), splendid lustre and tremendous power. These weapons and AbharaNams give sukham from the Siras to TiruvaDi of the Lord’s TirumEni (kusuma sukumAra anga sugatai:). They become alankAram to the Lord and He derives the name of “alankArar” as a result. All of these SAstrArthams are included in this Slokam. KUresar states that this TirumAlirumcOlai mAl alankArar is his refuge.


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