No-Bake Biscuit Brownie


This is  a wonderful  quick and easy dessert recipes with biscuits as a base. Its no-bake which definitely adds to the charm.

20-25 Marie biscuits
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 cup roasted nut of choice
2 tsp sugar (or adjust to taste)
1/2 of a 400gm tin condensed milk



  1. Break the biscuits into fours and powder coarsely either by hand or using a blender.
  2.  Add the cocoa powder to this and mix well.
  3.  Add the sugar to this mixture and mix again.
  4.  Dry-roast any nut of choice and let it cool, Chop it up coarsely and add to the mixture. Mix well.
  5. Add half a tin of condensed milk to this mixture.
  6. Mix well with a sturdy spoon or with a whisk (as the mixture will be very very thick ) until all the powdery bits are combined with the wet ingredients.
  7.  Line a plate, pie dish, or baking tray with butter and transfer the mixture to it. Press firmly with wet fingertips until the mixture is uniformly spread.
  8.  Refrigerate atleast for 4 hours or overnight if possible.
  9.  Then can be cut into perfect squares.
Source : edible garden
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