Paduka Sahasram Part 42


Sloka #411

411. avaImi rangADhipathE: sakAshAdhavEkshamANEShu janEShu rakshAm
udhAranAdhAm maNipAdhukE!thvAmOmithyanujnyAksharamudhgiranthIm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! Your majestic sound is taken, by people to mean Your response as ‘Yes’, to the pleas for protection that people make to the Lord.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Devotees of RanganAthA awaiting His response to their appeals for protection , greet Your gorgeous naadham as Your Lord’s affirmation of His intent to come to their rescue. They treat and welcome Your naadham as PraNavam , the symbol of assent from Your Lord. When noble seers agree to do some thing , they indicate their approval with the utterance of Pranavam .

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PadhukE! When Your Lord has His sanchAram with You, the naadham that You generate appears like Your response through PraNavAkAra naadham indicating that You take the side of the suffering people appealing to Your Lord for protection.

3)People make their appeal to the Lord and are awaiting for His response. Meanwhile , they hear the Pranava Naadham from the Paadhukais. That majestic naadham sounds like the anghikAram from the Paadhukais for Swamty Desikan ( thvAm Omithi udhgiranthIm avaimi) ..V.S

411. அவைமி ரங்காதிபதே: ஸகாசாத்
அவேக்ஷமாணேஷு ஜநேஷு ரக்ஷாம்
உதார நாதாம் மணிபாதுகே த்வாம்
ஓம் இதி அநுஜ்ஞாக்ஷரம் உத்கிரந்தீம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! மிகவும் கம்பீரமான முறையில் நம்பெருமாள் உன்னைச் சாற்றிக் கொண்டு எழுந்தருளுகிறான். அப்போது ஏற்படும் உனது சப்தம் எவ்விதம் உள்ளது தெரியுமா? தங்கள் துன்பத்தை நீக்க வேண்டும் என்று நம்பெருமாளிடம் வேண்டுபவர்களிடம், “அப்படியே ஆகட்டும்”, எனக் கூறுவது போல் உள்ளன.

Sloka #412

412. maDhudhviSha: svaIravihArahEthurmanjusvanAn shikshayasIva mAtha:
paryanthaBhAjOrmaNipAdharakshE! padhmADharaNyOrmaNinUpurANi

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Mother Manipaaduka! You make for the wanton wandering of the Lord. May be, it is You who teaches musical sound to the anklets of Lakshmi and Bhoomi, walking along with the Lord, one on either side.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh Mother ! Oh PaadhukE! During Your joyous travels with Your Lord, You raise melodious sounds , which appear to teach the way to create sweet sounds to the ankle ornaments of Sri Devi and Bhoomi Devi standing near Their Lord .

2) PerumAl is ” Svaira vihAran”. He travels as He wishes. The cause (hEthu) behind such unfettered movement is the Paadhukai through its anatharanga kaimkaryam. Sri RanganAyaki (PadmA) and Bhumi PirAtti (DharaNi) are standing nearby ( paryantha bhAjA: ) enjoying the musical sounds. The Devis have gem-studded ankle ornaments ( Kallizhaittha Silampu ThaNDaikaL or MaNi Noopurams). As the paadhukais facilitate the sanchAram of the Lord , they seem to give lessons to the ankle ornaments of the Devis about the way to raise such sweet naadham…V.S

412. மதுத்விஷ: ஸ்வைர விஹாரஹேது:
மஞ்ஜுஸ்வநாந் சிக்ஷயஸீவ மாத:
பர்யந்த பாஜோர் மணிபாதரக்ஷே
பத்மாதரண்யோர் மணிநூபுராணி

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! தாயே! மது என்ற அரக்கனின் சத்ருவாகிய நம்பெருமாளின் இருபக்கமும் அமர்ந்துள்ள ஸ்ரீதேவி மற்றும் பூதேவி ஆகிய இருவரின் தண்டைகள் இனிமையான ஒலி எழுப்புகின்றன. நம்பெருமாளுடன் உன் விருப்பப்படி ஸஞ்சாரம் செய்யும் நீ, உனது இனிய நாதத்தை அந்தத் தண்டைகளுக்குக் கற்றுக் கொடுத்தாய் போலும்.

Sloka #413

413. prAsThAnikEShu samayEShu samAgathEShu
prApthA padham parichitham dhvijapungavEna
puShNAsi ranganrupathErmaNipAdhukE! thvam
puNyAhaGhOShamiva garBhamaNipraNAdhaI:

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! Lord Ranganatha is to set out on a journey; You reach the Foot that is often clung to by great sages; (the foot is also frequently borne by Garuda). Now You produce an auspicious sound that looks like the words of benediction for good journey.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh Mani PaadhukE! When RanganAthA is ready to start on His missions , You carry the lotus feet of the Lord , which have been held with affection often by Garudan . During such times , You make a unique naadham.This naadham resembles the Vedha manthrAs associated with the pronouncement of auspiciousness ( Svasthi Vachanams) for the occasion prior to any major endeavour. It appears that You assume the role of the family priest (PurOhithar) , who utters the svasthi vaachanams prior to the commencement of auspicious functions .

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that ThiruvAimozhi is recited to ward off any anishtams(dangers) that may come the way of PerumAL.

3) The time is the SanchAram time ( prAsTAnikEshu samayEshu). Paadhukais are carrying the Lord’s Thiruvadi , which were carried earlier by PakshirAjan (Dhvijapungavan) before. The Paadhukais begin their movement and the naadham raised by the gems inside the Kumizh of Paadhukais (Garbha MaNi PranAdhai: ) at that time sounds like PuNyAhaghOsham ( the sound of Vedha Manthrams uttered for invoking auspicousness …V.S

413. ப்ராஸ்தாநிகேஷு ஸம்யேஷு ஸமாகதேஷு
ப்ராப்தா பதம் பரிசிதம் த்விஜபுங்கவேந
புஷ்ணாஸி ரங்கந்ருபதே: மணிபாதுகே த்வம்
புண்யாஹ கோஷம் இவ கர்ப்பமணி ப்ரணாதை:

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதன் ஸஞ்சாரம் செய்யவேண்டிய காலகட்டங்களில், பறவைகளில் உயர்ந்தவனான கருடனால் அடிக்கடி அடைப்படும் திருவடிகளை நீ அடைகிறாய். உன்னுள் இருக்கும் இரத்தினக்கற்கள் அப்போது இனிமையான நாதம் ஏற்படுத்துகின்றன. இதனைக் காணும்போது க்ஷேமம் அளிக்கவல்ல மந்திரங்களை நீ கூறுவது போன்று உள்ளது.

Sloka #414

414. ArthaDhvanEruchithamuttharamanthakAlE
karNEShu manjuninadhEna kariShyasIthi
vAsam Bhajanthi kruthinO maNipAdharakshE!
puNyEShu dhEvi! puLinEShu marudhvruDhAyA:

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka Devi! Discerning people choose to live in Srirangam, which can be described as the sacred sand-dune of the river Kaveri, so that when one groans in grief at the last moment, Your sweet sound will come as a suitable solace.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Some fortunate people take up their residence on the banks of Cauvery river at Srirangam to be close to You during their last days on earth . During those times , they want to have the peace of mind to hear Your response to their appeals to rescue them from samsaric ills and to grant them Moksham. They have concluded that their proximity to You will enable them to hear Your Naadham of response From the Lord without fail.

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! When the Sriranga vaasis lament as a result of suffering during their last moments on earth , You seem to console them with Your sweet naadham. The inner meaning is that those who depart from this world from Srirangam have the bhAgyam of the Sevai of PerumAL and the AchAryAs during their last moments.

3) Those who have dEha thyAgam at Srirangam are blessed ones (Kruthina: ). During their last moments (anthakaalE) , they raise sorrowful sounds (aartha dhvani). Appropriate (uchitham )and consoling response (uttharam) for these aartha dhvanis arise in the from of sweet naadham (manju -ninadhEna ) from the Dhivya Padhukais . The departing jeevan gets consoled through that naadham falling on its ears….V.S

414. ஆர்த்தத்வநே: உசிதம் உத்தரம் அந்தகாலே
கர்ணேஷு மஞ்ஜுநிநதேந கரிஷ்யஸீதி
வாஸம் பஜந்தி க்ருதிநோ மணிபாதரக்ஷே
புண்யேஷு தேவி புளிநேஷு மருத்வ்ருதாயா:

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! தங்களது இறுதி காலத்தில் பெரியவர்கள், மிகவும் தூய்மையான காவேரியின் மணல்கள் நிறைந்த ஸ்ரீரங்கத்தில் வாஸம் செய்கின்றனர். ஏன் தெரியுமா? தங்களது முடிவு காலத்தில் ஏற்படவுள்ள வேதனை காரணமாக எழுப்பும் துன்ப ஒலிகளை, உன்னுடைய செவிகளில் உள்வாங்கி, அவர்களுக்கான மறுமொழியை உனது நாதத்தினால் அளிப்பாய் என்பதால் ஆகும்.

Sloka #415

415. dhUthyE balErvimaThanE shakatasya BhangE
yAthrOthsavEShu cha viBhO: prathipannasaKhyA
vIrAyithAni birudhOpahithAni nUnam
manjusvanaI: praThayasE maNipAdhukE! thvam

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! You are inseparable from the Lord’s Feet; whether He went as a mediator for the Pandavas, or whether He put the foot on King Mahabali to suppress him, or He dashed against Shakatasura and killed him or the like, You presumably proclaim the Lord’s exploits appropriately, by means of Your pleasing sound.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! The agreeable and distinct sounds that You generate during Your many travels with the Lord such as visits to DuryOdhanA’s court as ambassador , quelling MahAbali’s pride as VaamanA , destroying ShakatAsurA through Your kick and during the uthsavams at Srirangam. Your sounds of joy over the Lord’s victory during those times resemble laudatory poems proclaiming His powers .

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The sweet sounds raised by the Paadhukais during the Lord’s sanchaaram reminds Swamy Desikan of the recitations of sthOthrams by those who witnessed major leelais of the Lord such as visit to the sabhai of DuryOdhanan as PaaNDava DhUthan , punishmnet of MahA Bali as Thirvikraman and the destruction of SakatAsuran in Gokulam .

3) There are many YaahtrAs by the Lord with His Paadhukais. They are Like uthsavams for the Lord and the Paadhukais. The Lord is always victorious during these missions to protect the Saadhu janam and punish the evil ones. The Lord adds a title as PaanDava DhUthan , Bhali Vimathanan and sakaDa bhangan et al . The paadhukais raise sweet sounds at the end of these missions to proclaim aloud the glories of the victorious Lord ( manju svanai: noonam Thvam bhirudhOpahithAni VeerAyithAni praTayasE). The sounds of the Paadhukais certainly resemble the loud proclamations of the valour of the Victorious Lord, who just acquired another title …V.S

415. தூத்யே பலேர்விமதநே சகடஸ்ய பங்கே
யாத்ரா உத்ஸவேஷு ச விபோ: ப்ரதிபந்நஸக்யா
வீராயிதாநி பிருதோபஹிதாநி நூநம்
மஞ்ஜுஸ்வநை: ப்ரதயஸே மணிபாதுகே த்வம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்களால் இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதன் பாண்டவர்களுக்காகத் தூது சென்றான்; மஹாபலிச்சக்ரவர்த்தியின் கர்வத்தை அடக்கினான்; சகடாஸுரனை முறித்தான். இப்படியாக அவன் நடந்திய வீரச்செயல்கள் காரணமாக அவனுக்கு ஏற்பட்ட பட்டப்பெயர்களை, அவன் திருவடிகளை விட்டு எப்போதும் பிரியாமல் உள்ள நீ, உனது இனிய நாதங்கள் மூலம் கூறியபடி உள்ளாய் போலும்.

Sloka #416

416. sthOthum pravrutthamapi mAm nigamasthuthAm thvAm
vyAsajyamAnakaraNam viShayEpvajasthram
antharmaNiDhvaniBhirachyuthapAdhukE! thvam
samBhODhayasyanukalam sahajAnukampA

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! Or do you sound warnings to me, by the gemstones colliding amidst themselves, out of Your spontaneous kindness for me, observing that I have left my senses to indulge in chasing sensuous pleasures even after I had started on praising You of Veda-worshipped greatness?

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Your naadham is instrumental in deflecting me from my propensity for engagement in worldly pleasures. You direct me to engage in praising You , who is the object of praise by VedhAs. You show mercy to me inspite of my lowliness and bless me . Your timely instructions through Your naadham makes me persist in my worthy efforts to sing Your praise through the slOkams of PaadhukA Sahasram.

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! Even the VedhAs can not praise Your glories adequately. Inspite of that, I engage in my attempt to eulogize You. When my mind wanders away without awareness of the noble task I commenced, You seem to instruct me through Your sweet naadham to persist in my efforts without distraction . The connection is to ThriuvAimozhi’s sweet sounds , which appeal to people not to get lost in SamsAram but to meditate on the Thiruvadi of PerumAL.

3) Oh PaadhukE ! You have DayA as Your birth mate ( udan piRappu) ! You are thus “Sahaja anukampA .” I have begun my attempts to praise You , whom VedhAs usually praise ( Nigama sthuthAm thvAm sthOthum pravurtthAmi ). My indhriyams are always engaged in perishable , alpa sukhams ( ajasram vishayEshu vyAsajyamAna karaNam maam ). For some one like me , who is easily distracted from the noble effort of praising You, the naadham arising from Your gem stones remind me to stay away from such sorrow-causing distractions ( antha: maNi dhvanibhi: anukalam sambhOdhayasi)…V.S

416. ஸ்தோதும் ப்ரவ்ருத்தம் அபி மாம் நிகம ஸ்துதாம் த்வாம்
வ்யாஸஜ்யமாந கரணம் விஷயேஷு அஜஸ்ரம்
அந்தர்மணி த்வநிபி: அச்யுத பாதரக்ஷே
ஸம்போதயஸி அநுகலம் ஸஹஜ அநுகம்பா

பொருள் – அடியார்களை நழுவ விடாத ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகையே! வேதங்களில் துதிக்கப்பட்ட உன்னை நான் துதிக்கத் தொடங்குகிறேன். ஆயினும் நான் அந்தத் துதிகளில் கவனம் செலுத்தாமல், உலக விஷயங்களில் நாட்டம் கொண்டபடி உள்ளேன். இதனைக் கண்ட நீ, என் மீது இயல்பாகவே தயையுடன் உள்ளவளான நீ, செய்வது என்ன – உன்னுடைய இரத்தினக்கற்களின் இனிமையான நாதம் மூலம் எனது கடமையை நினைவுபடுத்தியப்படி உள்ளாய்.

Sloka #417

417. dhEvasya dhAnavaripOrmaNipAdharakshE!
prasThAnamangaLaviDhoU prathipannanAdhAm
mA BhaIShta sADhava ithi svayamAlapanthIm
jAnE jagathrithayarakshaNadhIkshithAm thvAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! Lord Ranganatha is out on His journey to eradicate the enemies (asuras). You then generate an auspicious sound. I presume, You, as one in whom the responsibility of protection of all three worlds is vested, assure in so many words, “Oh Sadhus, Do not fear”.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhavam: In an earlier verse , Swamy Desikan equated the Naadham from the Paadhukai to the sound of PraNavam. Here , Swamy equates the naadham to the sound assuring devotees of protection from fear (abhaya vaarthai). He says: ” Oh Mani PaadhukE! When You start on Your Lord’s auspicious campaigns to root out the enemies of Devas , You generate a sound that identifies You as the One , who has vowed to protect the three worlds from any harm. You seem to be assuring the virtuous people that they will have total freedom from fear of any kind.

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that SaThAri Soori incarnated to protect the people of the world (samsAris) with His many upadEsams through His prabhandhams to seek the sacred feet of the Lord as protection against all samsAric ills.

3) The naadham generated by the paadhukais at times of the Lord’s yaathrAs( Dhaanava ripO: Devasya prasTAna mangala vidhou prathipanna Naadhaam) are for the auspiciousness during the execution of the task at hand. The Lord’s Paadhukais are firm in their resolve to protect the three worlds through Their assitance to the Lord ( Jagath thritaya rakshana dheekshithAm ThvAm ). The naadham arising during these YaathrAs seem to say : ” Oh Good People of the world ! Do not be afraid ! My Lord is going to protect You all ( Saadhava: maabhaishta: ithi svayam aalapantheem jaanE)…V.S

417. தேவஸ்ய தாநவரிபோ: மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ப்ரஸ்தாந மங்கள விதௌ ப்ரதிபந்த நாதாம்
மா பைஷ்ட ஸாதவ இதி ஸ்வயம் ஆலபந்தீம்
ஜாநே ஜகத் த்ரிதய ரக்ஷண தீக்ஷிதாம் த்வாம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! அசுரர்களுக்கு சத்ருவாக நம்பெருமாள் உள்ளான். அவனுடைய ஸஞ்சாரம் என்ற சுப செயலின் இனிமையான நாதத்தை நீ அடைகிறாய். மூன்று உலகங்களையும் காப்பதில் நீ உறுதியுடன் உள்ளாய் போலும். அதனால்தான் உனது நாதம் மூலம், ”நல்லவர்களே! நீங்கள் அஞ்சவேண்டாம்”, என்று கூறுகிறாய் என நான் எண்ணுகிறேன்.

Sloka #418

418. svacChandhaviBhramagathoU maNipAdhukE! thvam
pAdhAravindhamaDhigamya parasya pumsa:
jAthasvanA prathipadham japasIva sUktham
vidhrAvaNam kimapi vaIrivarUThinInAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! When the Supreme Person embarks on a free sportive walk, You bear the Lord’s Lotus Feet and produce a sound which looks like the chanting of a mantra to drive the enemy armies.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy `s anubhavam: Oh PadhukE! You join with the playful gait Of the Lord engaged in destroying the enemies of DevAs and generate sounds from the movements with Him .At that time , the naadham originating from You resemble rare incantations that chase away the enemies of the Lord.

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE! The naadham that You generate during the Lord’s campaign (yaathrAs) against His enemies seem to suggest that You are reciting manthrams to chase away Lord’s adversaries. The inner meaning is that Swamy NammAzhwAr enjoys the glories of the Lord’s Thiruvadis in ThiruvAimozhi and blessed us with the manthrams housed there. Those manthrams chase away the kaamam , KrOdham, maathsaryam et al and get us close to the Thiruvadi of the Lord.

3) Oh PaadhukE! You have attained the Thiriuvadi of Your Lord , who has His own unfetterd sanchAram with You ( Pumsa: svacchandha vibrama gathou PaadhAravindham abhigamithavAn). The joy arising from Your bhAgyam results in the generation of a delectable naadham from You (PaadhAravindham abhigamya jaatha svanA ). That exhuberant and sweet naadham has the effect of a manthram that is repeated with every step of the Lord to chase away the army of the enemies of the Lord …V.S

418. ஸ்வச்சந்த விப்ரமகதௌ மணிபாதுகே த்வம்
பாதாரவிந்தம் அதிம்கம்ய பரஸ்ய பும்ஸ:
ஜாதஸ்வநா ப்ரதிபதம் ஜபஸீவ ஸூக்தம்
வித்ராவணம் கிமபி வைரிவரூதிநீநாம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்களால் இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! நம்பெருமாள் தனது விருப்பத்தின்படி ஸஞ்சாரம் என்ற விளையாட்டைச் செய்தபடி உள்ளான். நீ அப்போது அவனது திருவடிகளை அடைந்து, இனிமையான நாதம் உண்டாகப் பெற்றாய். அவன் அருகில் வர முயற்சிக்கும் அவனது சத்ரு சேனைகளை, அவன் அருகில் வர விடாமல், உனது நாதம் மூலம் ஏதோ ஒரு மந்திரத்தை ஜபிக்கிறாய் போலும்.

Sloka #419

419. rakshArThamAshrithajanasya samujjihAnE
rangEshvarE sharadhi shEShaBhujangathalpAth
nAdhAsthava shruthisuKhA maNipAdharakshE!
prasThAnashanKhaninadhAth praThamE Bhavanthi

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! When Lord Ranganatha steps down from His Adisesha couch to go out to help His people, say, in the autumn, it is Your proclaiming sound that excels even the roar of the Sankha in the matter of being sweet to the ears of the people outside.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’ anubhavam: Oh Mani PadhukE1 When RanganAthA gets up from His AdhisEshaa bed during the autumn season to protect the righteous people , Your sweet sounds are heard first to announce the Lord’s intentions. The divine conch sounds thereafter. The conch takes the cue from You to broadcast the Lord’s departure on His mission to the waiting world.

2) Here, Swamy Desikan celebrates the naadham that is delectable to the ears generated by the Paadhukais ( Sruthi sukhA: Tava NaadhA: ) . The time is saradh kaalam ( Iyppasi) . The Lord leaves His bed of AdhisEshan to protect His saadhu jananm ( aasritha janasya rakshArTam sEshE bhujanga talpAth samujjihAnE sathi). The conch sounds to announce the YaathrA of the Lord (prasTAna ninAdham ). The naadham from the paadhukaa rathnams precede however the sankha naadham …V.S

419. ரக்ஷார்த்தம் ஆச்ரித ஜநஸ்ய ஸமுஜ்ஜிஹாநே
ரங்கேச்வரே சரதி சேஷபுஜங்க தல்பாத்
நாதாஸ்தவ ச்ருதிஸுகா மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ப்ரஸ்தாந சங்கநி நதாத் ப்ரதமே பவந்தி

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதன் சரத் காலத்தின்போது (ஐப்பசி மாதம்) தன்னை அண்டியவர்களைக் காப்பதற்காக ஆதிசேஷன் என்ற படுக்கையை விட்டு எழுகிறான். அப்போது அனைவரின் காதுகளுக்கும் இனிமையாக உள்ள உனது நாதங்கள், அவனது புறப்பாடு நேரத்தில் ஊதப்படும் சங்கின் ஒலியை விட முந்தியதாக ஒலிக்கின்றன.

Sloka #420

420. nithyam padhAmburuhayOriha gOpikAm thvAm
gOpIjanapriyathamO maNipAdharakshE!
sampannaGhOShaviBhavAm gathiBhirnijABhi:
prIthyEva na thyajathi rangasamAshrithOpi

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! You too are a gopika (being the protector of the Feet!). The Lord who has great love for the gopis, has similarly great affection for this gopika of the Paaduka! You are supposed to emit loud sound equivalent to the Gopis’ characteristic of their crowd in Gokulam. The Lord has now brought You to the stage (the Rangasthala) from cowherds’ place. Nevertheless He does not wish to leave You off, because of His great love for You.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) Utthamur Swamy’s anubhaavam: Swamy Desikan uses the double maeaning of the word “Ghosaham ” in this verse to equate Paadhukai to a Gopi. Gosham can mean either the colony of cowherds or the loud sound . “Gosha Vibhavam ” in this context can mean either the wealth of the cowherd colony or the Paadhukaa naadham . Swamy Desikan says: ” Oh PaadhukE! Krishna took the form of the son of NandhagOpar and became a Gopa kumAran Himself. You were attached to his lotus feet in the cowherd colonies at Gokulam and BrindAvanam, which were rich in wealth . You became a Gopi and raised the GhOsha Vaibhavam then. Your qualifications for the status of becoming a Gopi stem from His love for You , similar to the love He had for the other Gopis of BrindAvanam . When He left BrindAvanam and settled in Srirangam as RanganathA, You still exhibit the status of Gopi and possess GhOsha Vaibhavam . Your Lord does not go anywhere without You because of His eternal affection for You. Hence , You continue to be His Gopi. Your ghOsha vaibhavam at Srirangam also continues from the majestic ghOshm that You, generate, when You accompany Your Lord .

2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! The Lord never leaves You raising sweet naadham, whether it is inside the Ranga VimAnam or during His sanchArams. The tradition has it that Lord RanganAthan wears His Paadhukais , while seated on His throne under the Ranga VimAnam. The inner meaning is that PerumAL is always with NammAzhwAr… V.S

3) Oh PadhukE ! Your Lord is dearest to the Gopis (Gopijana Priyathama:). You protect the lotus soft feet of Your Lord during His sanchArams here in His leelA vibhUthi (iha padhAmbhuruhayO: nithyam gOpikAM ). That bhAgyam of protecting the Lord’s sacred feet has given You great Naadha vaibhavam ( nijAbhi: gathibhi: sampanna ghOsha vibhavAm ThvAm). Because of Your Lord’s vaathsalyam for You and Your naadham , He never leaves You even when He is seated on His throne inside the Ranga VimAnam ( GhOsha VibhavAm ThvAm RangasamAsrithOapi preethyEva na Thyajathi). The sabhdha slEshai (double entendre) for GopikAm used by Swamy Desikan is splendid . Swamy describes the Thiruvadi protecting (gopikAm ) paadhukai as a GopikA dear to the Lord as well…V.S

420. நித்யம் பதாம்புருஹயோ: இஹ கோபிகாம் த்வாம்
கோபீஜநப்ரியதமோ மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ஸம்பந்ந கோஷ விபவாம் கதிபி: நிஜாபி:
ப்ரீத்யேவ ந த்யஜதி ரங்கஸமாச்ரிதோபி

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! கோபிகைகளுக்கு மிகவும் ப்ரியமானவனாகிய நம்பெருமாள், தனது ஸஞ்சாரங்கள் முடிந்து ஸ்ரீரங்க விமானத்தை அடைந்த பின்னரும் உன்னை விடுவதில்லை. மிகவும் இனிமையான நாதம் கொண்ட உன்னை அவன் கோபிகை என்றே கருதியுள்ளான் போலும்.

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