Paduka Sahasram Part 19



7. Abhisheka Paddhathi

Sloka #181

181. pAhi na: pAdhukE! yasyA:
viDhAsyan aBhishechanam
ABhiShEchanikam BhANdam
chakrE rAma: pradakshiNam

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! May You protect us! We recall that when Rama circumambulated the religious collection of materials assembled, on the eve of His departure to the forest, He had visualized, presumably so, this event-namely, the coronation of Yourself now.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam : Oh PaadhukE ! RaamA did not want to have a coronation bath for Himself , but, He wanted You to have that auspicious bath prescribed by the sAsthrams.Therefore , He made a prathakshiNam (circumambulation ) on Your behalf of all the materials assembled for the abhishEkam (Coronation bath). May You , held in the highest esteeem by Your Lord , protect us !

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that PerumAL honors the AchAryAs as equal to Himself and some times even more than Himself .

(3) This seventh of the 32 paddhathis is named as “AbhishEka Paddhathi” by Swamy Desikan . This paddhathi has 30 slOkams celebrating the Thirumanjanam for the Paadhukais in the context of its PattAbhishEkam ..V.S

(4) On the eve of the PattabhishEkam day picked by Sage VasishtA for Sri Raamachandran, He had to leave for the forest as a result of His vow to His father to honor the two boons given by him to his wife, KaikEyi. RaamA was not sad at all over this turn of events . LakshmaNA however was very angry.During the dawn of the selected PattabhishEkam / Coronation bath day, RaamA did not want the rich set of materials assembled for His coronation to be wasted. He wanted to help some one dear to Him to benefit from those riches. RamaA circumambulated therefore around the assembled saamagriyais on behalf of the Paadhukais to become the beneficiary of the pattabhishEkam intended for Him …V.S

7. அபிஷேக பத்ததி

பாஹி ந: பாதுகே யஸ்யா விதாஸ்யந் அபிஷேசநம்
ஆபிஷேசநிகம் பாண்டம் சக்ரே ராம: ப்ரதக்ஷிணம்.

பொருள் – பாதுகையே! இராமன் கானகம் புகுதற்கு முன்பாக, தனது பட்டாபிஷேகத்திற்காக வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருள்களை ஒருமுறை வலமாக வந்து பார்வை இட்டான். இதன் மூலம் உனக்கு அப்போதே இராமானால் பட்டாபிஷேகம் நடத்தப்பட்டுவிட்டது. இப்படிப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! எங்களைக் காக்கவேண்டும்.

Sloka #182

182. rAghavasya charaNoU padhAvani!
prEkshithum thvadhaBhiShEkamIShathu:
yath pradakshiNagathi: shanaIryayoU

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! when Rama did that ceremonial circumabulation, His steps were rather slow; perhaps His feet did not move fast because he wished to see Your coronation.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s annubhavam : Yor Lord went very slowly around the materials assembled for His AbhishEkam .It appeared as though He was lingering as He made that pradhakshiNam. That gesture appeared to suggest that He was longing to witness Your PattAbhishEkam in person .

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that PerumAL is very pleased with the bhakthAs , who worship AchAryAs and celebrate them .The more the sishyALs celebrate their SadAchAryAs , PerumAl is more pleased . There is no limit to His pleasure in this matter.Such is His reverence for His AchAryAls , who perform the duties that He has commissioned them to do.

(3) Swamy Desikan points out that the sacred feet of the Lord wanted to witness directly the AbhishEkam of the Paadhukais that serve them and that is why they moved slowly around the materials assembled for PerumAL’s abhishEkam . The slow movement (pradhakshiNam) around the saamagriyai is described by our AchAryan as ” BhaaNDa sannidhou sanai: PradakshiNa-gathi: “. Why ? ” Raaghavasya CharaNou thvath abhishEkam prEkshithum Ishathu:” .The sacred feet of the Lord wanted to see the abhishEkam for its companion , the Paadhkais and hence lingered during the pradakshiNam …V.S

ராகவஸ்ய சரணௌ பதாவநி ப்ரேக்ஷிதும் த்வத் அபிஷேகம் ஈஷது:
ஆபிஷேசநிக பாண்ட ஸந்நிதௌ யத் ப்ரதக்ஷிணகதி: சநை: யயௌ.

பொருள் – பாதுகையே! இவ்விதமாகப் பட்டாபிஷேகத்திற்காக வைக்கப்பட்டிருந்த பொருள்களை இராமன் மெதுவாக வலம் வந்தான். ஏன்? அவனுடைய திருவடிகள் உனது பட்டாபிஷேகத்தைக் காண மிகவும் ஆவல் கொண்டன. ஆகவே அவனது திருவடிகள், உனது பட்டாபிஷேகம் வரை காலதாமதம் செய்யவே மெதுவாக நடந்தன போலும்.

Sloka #183

183. mUrDhABhiShikthaIrniyamEna vAhyoU
vichinthya nUnam raGhunAtha pAdhoU
rathnAsanasthAm maNipAdhukE! thvAm
ramanujanmA BharathOBhyaShinchath

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! Rama’s younger brother Bharata annointed and coronated You on the gem-studded throne, he being confident that Rama’s Feet were to be borne on head only by duly purified persons.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh Rathna PaadhukE! BharathA meditated first on the holy feet of his elder brother , which are traditionally worn on the heads of the vasal kings during the coronation (PattaabhishEkam ) ceremonies for an emperor. Bharatha placed next the Paadhukais as RaamA’s representative on the throne of Raghus and performed the abhishEkam . BharathA performed this ceremonial bath for the paadhukais to qualify Himself as the servant of the Paadhukais , which were taking charge of the kingdom as a representative of Raamachandran.

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam : Oh PaadhukE ! BharathA performed the abhishEkam for the paadukais driven by the thought that only those who had pattaabhishEkam can carry the Lord’s sacred feet . The inner meaning is that for those , who have sincere bhakthi for PerumAl, will be blessed with all auspciousness here and in His other world .

(3) Swami Desikan salutes Bharathan here as ” RaamAnujanma” , a name traditionally reserved for LakshmaNan .That shows the equal reverence that Swamy Desikan has for the two brothers in the context of the matchless Kaimkarya Sri acquired by the two younger brothers ; one acquired this kaimkarya Sri through service in the forests and the other had equal kaimkarya Sri by staying behind and serving the Paadhukais as the representative of his elder brother…V.S

மூர்த்தாபிஷிக்தை: நியமேந வாஹ்யௌ
விசிந்த்ய நூநம் ரகுநாத பாதௌ
ரத்ன ஆஸநஸ்த்தாம் மணிபாதுகே த்வாம்
ராமாநுஜந்மா பரத: அப்யஷிஞ்சத்.

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! இராமனின் தம்பியான பரதன் எண்ணியது என்ன? தகுந்த பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்யப்பட்ட ஒருவர் மட்டுமே இராமனின் திருவடிகளைச் சுமந்து, அதன் தொடர்பு பெற இயலும் என்பதாகும். இதன் காரணமாகவே மாணிக்கக்கற்கள் இழைக்கப்பட்ட ஸிம்ஹாசனத்தில் உன்னை அமர வைத்து, உனக்குப் பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்து வைத்தான் போலும்.

Sloka #184

184. BrAthurniyOgE apyanivarthamAnam
rAjyABhiShEkam cha parithyajantham
ramAnujoU thoU nanu pArathanthryAth
uBhAvuBhABhyAm BhavathI jigAya

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! You had defeated both brothers of Rama, namely, Lakshmana and Bharata-the former had not implicitly obeyed Rama’s command to return to Ayodhya whereas the latter had refused to be installed in the throne- by Your implicit obeying to Rama, being absolutely dictatable by the Lord, in returning to Ayodhya and getting enthroned.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Here Swamy Desikan dwells on the twin themes of Seshathvam and Paaratantryam . Seshathvam is the way in which the owned behaves to please his /her Lord in every way. Lord is the owner(sEshee ) and the Jeevan is His property (sEsahn ). Bhagavan is Sarva sEshi .Seshathva Jn~Anam requires the sEshan to perform Kaimkaryam that would please his Lord. Paaratantryam refers to the strict obedience of the Lord’s commands.

Swamy Desikan compares here the behaviors of LakshnaNA and BharathA with that of the PaadhukAs and concludes that latter won over the two brothers in the strict observance of the doctrines of sEshathvam and Paaratantryam.

Swamy Desikan observes : ” Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! As the elder brother , RaamA asked LakshmaNA on the banks of GangA to return to AyOdhyA and not to accompany Him to the forest. LakshmaNA refused and insisted on joining his brother and serving Him during His exile. RaamA asked BharathA to follow their parent’s command to accept coronation and thus become the successor to DasarathA as the new king. BharathA refused to follow that order .Thus both LakshmaNA and BharathA did not observe the rules of sEshathvam and paaratantryam. The PaadhukAs on the other hand , strictly observed both the rules and pleased RaamA immensely. When RaamA ordered the Paadhukais to return to AyOdhyA with BharathA , it was obeyed . When RaamA recommended that the Paadhukais accept coronation bath , they obeyed once again. Thus PaadhukA’s obsevance of sEshathvan and Paaratantryam was far superior to that of the two brothers , LakshmaNA and BharathA .

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that the SadhAchAryALs will excell even the nithya sooris, when it comes to practising Seshathvam and Paaratantryam in their relationship with PerumAL.

(3) The second section of this slOkam is a testament to Swamy Desikan’s genius as Kavi Simham . He says:

“RaamAnujou Thou nanu paaratantryAth ubhaou ubhAbhyAm Bhavathee jigAya ”

The “ubhaou ” or the two are LakshmaNA and BharathA as the two RaamAnujAs or the two younger brothers of RaamA . The Paadhukai won over ” the Ubhaou ” with “UbhAbhyAM” ( through two acts). One is returning to AyOdhyA , which LakshmaNA refused to do , when commanded by RaamA. The other is accepting PattAbhshEkam and ascent to the throne, which BharathA refused to do , when ordered by RaamA ….V.S

ப்ராது: நியோகே அபி அநிவர்த்தமாநம்
ராஜ்ய அபிஷேகம் ச பரித்யஜந்தம்
ராமாநுஜௌ தௌ நநு பாரதந்த்ர்யாத்
உபௌ உபாப்யாம் பவதீ ஜிகாய.

பொருள் – பாதுகையே! இராமனின் ஆணைகளை அவனது தம்பிகளான இலட்சுமணனும், பரதனும் மீறாதவர்களே ஆவார்கள். ஆயினும் இராமனின் ஆணைக்கு ஏற்ப அவர்கள் இருவரும் பட்டாபிஷேகம் ஏற்கவில்லை. ஆனால், நீ ஏற்றுக் கொண்டாய். இதன் மூலம் அவர்கள் இருவரையும் நீ வென்றாய்.

Sloka #185

185. nivEshya rangEshvarapAdharakshE!
BhadrAsanE sAdharamaBhyaShinchath
vashI vasiShtO manuvamshajAnAm
mahIkshithAm vamshapurOhithasthvAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Ranganatha-Paaduka! The traditional priest of the Manu race, Sage Vasishta, a self-conquered one, performed Your coronation, with special regard and consideration. (He bore in mind that You are not just a scion of the race, but a Deity worshipped by that race for long.)(Ranganatha was the family Deity for the Raghu race).

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Oh PaadhukE ! Sage VasishtA , the royal purOhithA for the Manu Vamsam conducted the PattAbhishEkam and the coronation bath for You with great affection in the saasthraic manner . Sage VasishtA , the leader among the Yogis and a great devotee of Sri RanganAthA seated You on the BhadrAsanam of the Manu dyansty kings during the abhishEkam ceremonies. Sage VasishtA was fully aware of the fact that the PadhukAs of Sri RanganAthA , the presiding deity of the Manu Vamsam , are the same as those of RaamA. Hence , Sage VasishtA had no qualms over performing pattAbhishEkam for the PadhukAs of RaamA , his disciple.

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Sage VasishtA , who had a deep understanding of the prabhAvam of the Raama Padhukais seated them on the simhAsanam of the IshvAku kulam and performed pattAbhishEkam for them .

(3) Here Swamy addresses the Paadhukais specifically as “RangEswara PaadharakshE ” . In the previous slOkam , Swamy was referring to RaamA Paadhukais , which was the embodiment of Paaratanthryam . Sage VasishtA saluted by Swamy Desikan as “Vashi” had full awareness of the fact that Raama Paadhukais in Vibhavam was the same as the RanganAtha Paadhukais in Archai. Sri Ranganathan was worshipped by RaamA during His vibhavAthAram .Thus , ” manu vamsajAnAm mahikshithAm purOhithA “, VasishtA performed PattAbhishEkam for the Raama Paadhukais as the Sri Ranganaatha Paadhukais , with great reverence and affection …V.S

நிவேச்ய ரங்கேச்வர பாதரக்ஷே
பத்ராஸநே ஸாதரம் அப்யஷிஞ்சத்
வசீ வஸிஷ்ட்ட: மனு வம்ச ஜாநாம்
மஹீக்ஷிதாம் வம்ச புரோஹித: த்வாம்.

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளைக் காப்பாற்றும் பாதுகையே! மனுவம்சத்தில் வந்த அனைத்து அரசர்களுக்கும் குருவாக உள்ளவரும், இந்த்ரியங்களை வென்றவரும் ஆகிய வசிஷ்ட்டர் செய்தது என்ன? உன்னை ஸிம்ஹாசனத்தில் எழுந்தருளச் செய்து, மிகவும் ஆசையாக உனக்குப் பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்து வைத்தார்.

Sloka #186

186. kruthABhishekA BhavathI yaThAvadh
gangAnipAthasnapithAm sumErO:

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! As You were treated in the throne to the ceremonial abolution,You looked superior to the golden Meru mountain subjected to the fall of the Ganga stream from the heavens.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Following Sage VasishTa and BharahtA ‘s performance of abhishEkam , the ministers and other pramukhAs performed additional abhishEkams for the Paadhukais.Here, Swamy Desikan describes the appearnace of the Paadhukais at the conclusion of these cremonial baths this way : ” Oh PadhukE ! After Your coronation bath , while seated on the gem-encrusted throne of the Raghus , You appeared like the golden crest of Mount Meru shining from the descent of the aereal (aakAsa) GangA on it . You shone with enhanced brilliance after the baths like the crest of Mount Meru , whose golden lustre was more prominent as a result of the smoothening caused by the flow of AakAsa GangA over it”.

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! The consecrated abhishEkam waters falling on Your golden body reminds one of the descent of the sacred Ganga Waters from the golden crest of Meru mountain .

(3) The saasthraic abhishEkam took place , while the Padhukais were seated on the RathnAsanam ( RathnAsanE yathAvath krutha abhishEkA ). That scene resembled the down pour of the rushing GangA river on top of the golden Meru mountain . Swamy goes on to say that the scene of PattAbhishEkam was far superior to the scene on top of the SumEru mountain …V.S

க்ருத அபிஷேகா பவதீ யதாவத்
ரங்கேச பாதாவநி ரத்நபீடே
கங்கா நிபாத ஸ்நபிதாம் ஸுமேரோ:
அதித்யகாபூமிம் அதச்சகார.

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளைக் காப்பாற்றும் பாதுகையே! இரத்தினக் கற்களால் இழைக்கப்பட்ட ஸிம்ஹாசனத்தில் உன்னை எழுந்தருளச் செய்து, சாஸ்திர முறைப்படி பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்விக்கப்பட்டாய். அப்போது உன் மீது புனித நீர் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது. இதனைக் காணும்போது மேரு மலையை விட நீ உயர்ந்தும், உன் மீது விடப்பட்ட நீர், கங்கையை விடப் புனிதமானதாகவும் தோன்றியது.

Sloka #187

187. vasiShtamuKhyaIrvihithABhiShEkAm
rAjyAsanE rAmanivEshayOgyE
thuShtAva rangEshvarapAdharakshE!
prAchethasasthvAm praThama: kavInAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! As You were installed on the throne fit for Sri Rama by Vasishta and the like, in due ritual form, You were praised formally, by Valmiki, the first among poets.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! after the performance of the ceremonial abolutions by important personages such as Sage VasishtA , latter admired You as the appropriate One to sit on the throne intended for Sri Raama. Sage Valmiki praised Your many auspicious attributes in his RaamAyaNam. Swami Desikan suggests that VasishtA’s performance of the ritual bath had to be matched by some one of his stature , when it came to the praising the qualities of Sri Raama PaadhukAs. Indeed , there was no one superior to sage Valmiki ( PrachEthas) in devotion to RaamA and hence he (Vaalmiki) had the privelege of singing the praise of the annointed PadhukAs.

(2) The RaajyAsanam ( BhadrAsanam ) was fit for seating Sri RaamA ( Raama nivEsa yOgyam). Sage Vasishta was the most qualified one among sages to annoint RaamA on that BhadrAsanam. Adhi Kavi, the foremost among poets (KavinAm prathama:) eulogised your auspicous qualities and he was the most qualified among poets to perform this kaimkaryam …V.S

வசிஷ்ட முக்யை: விஹித அபிஷேகாம்
ராஜ்யாஸநே ராம நிவேச யோக்யே
துஷ்டாவ ரங்கேச்வர பாதரக்ஷே
ப்ராசேதஸ: த்வாம் ப்ரதம: கவீநாம்

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளைப் பாதுகாக்கும் பாதுகையே! இராமன் எழுந்தருள வேண்டிய ஸிம்ஹாசனத்தில் வசிஷ்டர் போன்றவர்கள் உன்னை அமர்த்தி, உனக்குப் பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்து வைத்தனர். உன்னைத் துதிப்பவர்களில் முதன்மையான வால்மீகி முனிவர், இவ்விதம் நீ அமர்ந்தவுடன், உன்னைத் துதித்து நின்றார்.

Sloka #188

188. rakshOvaDhArTham maNipAdharakshE!
rAmAtmanO rangapathE: pravAsE
rakshOpakArAdh BhavatI vithEnE
rAjanvathIm kOsalarAjaDhAnIm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! When Lord Ranganatha had chosen the Rama incarnation and spent His time in the forest for the demolition of the demons, You performed the protection help for Ayodhya, which now had an excellent ruler in You.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam :Here Swamy Desikan plays with the double meaning of the word” rakshOpakAram”. This word can mean either protection of and help to the kingdom or injury to the raakshasAs. Swamy declares: Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! When RanganAthA took the incarnation as RaamA to destroy the Raakshasaas ,He had to leave the kingdom behind and travel to LankA to confront RaavaNA . You stayed behind as His representative and protected the kingdom and its citizens .You made that kingdom famous through Your skilled rulership. The word “Raajavanthi ” here means a kingdom with an illustrious king.

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE ! The kings have the twin duties of protecting the righteous and punishing the wicked .In their kingdoms , there will be forests , which in turn will be populated by wild beasts threatening the citizens .Although the forest is important and helpful for the people, the threats caused by the wild animals are dangerous. Hence , the king travels to the forest to hunt the dangerous beasts down after entrusting the kingdom to the ministers. Similarly , RanganAthan incarnated as RaamA , went to forest to kill the raakshasAs . At that time , you stayed behind like the Minister and protected the kingdom.

(3)Here Swamy Desikan points out that RanganAthan and Raaman are one and the same parabrahmam with the use of the words: ” RaamAthmana: Rangapathi:”. When RaamA entered the DaNdakAraNyam ( aaraNya pravEsam), for rooting out the trouble-causing raakshasAs and to bring peace back to His kingdom , the Paadhukais made the kingdom of KosalA blessed with an excellent king ( Kosala raajadhAnIm raajanavthIm vithanE )… V.S

ரக்ஷோவதார்த்தம் மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ராமாத்மந: ரங்கபதே: ப்ரவாஸே
ரக்ஷோபகாராத் பவதீ விதேநே
ராஜந்வதீம் கோஸல ராஜதாநீம்.

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! அரக்கர்களை வதம் செய்வதற்காகவே ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதன் இராமனாக திருஅவதாரம் செய்தான். அவன் தண்டகாரண்ய வனம் சென்றான். அப்போது நீ கோஸல நாட்டைக் காக்க முடிவெடுத்தாய். அதனால் கானகத்தை விட்டு அயோத்திக்கு வந்த நீ, அந்த நாட்டை நல்ல ஓர் அரசன் உடையதாகச் செய்தாய்.

Sloka #189

189. prApthABhiShEkA maNipAdharakshE!
prathApamugram prathipadhyamAnA
shashAsa pruthvIm BhavatI yaThAvath

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! when You duly ruled over Ayodhya after the coronation, as an Empress over a vast land, You reigned supreme, evincing a fierce effulgence to foes.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh MaNi PaadhukE! You performed a miracle , while You sat on the throne of AyOdhyA , when You were annointed as RaamA’s representative to rule the kingdom.Normally, bathing reduces the heat of afflictions , but in Your case , the ferocious valour (heat) of Yours increased as a result of Your coronation bath.That ugra taapam KalA) destroyed all the enemies of the empire and rid the world of all ill-wishers.

(2) Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning is that in the matters of Sikshai and Rakshai, even PerumAL can not equal the performanc eof AchAryAs.

(3) After the Coronation bath,Paadhukais acquired ” ugram prathApam “. With that ugra Kalai , The Paadhukais were able to protect the universe properly form the throne at AyOdhyA ( BhavathI SaakEtha SimhAsana SaarvabhoumI PruthvIm yathAvath sasAsa ). The Paadhukais became the SaarvabhoumI for the SaakEtha BhadrAsanam and ruled the Earth effectively after undergoing the coronation bath …V.S

ப்ராப்த அபிஷேகா மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ப்ரதாபம் உக்ரம் ப்ரதிபத்யமாநா
சசாஸ ப்ருத்வீம் பவதீ யதாவத்
ஸாகேத ஸிம்ஹாஸந ஸார்வபௌமீ.

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! நீ பட்டாபிஷேகம் செய்விக்கப்பட்டு, அயோத்தியின் ஸிம்ஹாசனத்தில் அமர்ந்தாய். மிகவும் கடுமையான பராக்ரமம் அடைந்தாய். எந்தவிதமான குறைவும் இன்றி இந்தப் பூமியைச் சரியான முறையில் காப்பாற்றினாய்.

Sloka #190

190. dashAnanAdhIn maNipAdharakshE!
jigIShathO dAsharaThErviyOgAth
jAthOpathApA thvayi samprayukthaI:
thIrThOdhakaIrucChvasithA DharithrI

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! When the holy waters used as ablution to You fell on Mother Earth, she experienced a sigh of relief, coming to consciousness; because she had fallen into swoon on Rama repairing to the forest.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

(1) Sri UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! Bhoomi Devi had swooned as a result of being separated from RaamA , when He left for the forest . When the holy waters from Your coronation bath fell on Her, She heaved a sigh of relief and regained Her consciousness. She became consoled through the contact of the holy waters , which became holier through sambhandham with Your body .

(2)Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam:Oh PaadhukE! BhUmi longed for the rulership of Raamachandran. When RaamA left ofr the forest to fulfill His avathAra kaaryam , She became very sad. When the holy waters from the coronation of the Paadhukais fell on BhUmi , She became happy . The inner meaning is that we can not enjoy the prsence of RaamA and KrishNA today as during their Vibhava avathArams and the ArchA mUrthys at the temples do not speak to us . But, the people are happy that SadAchAryAs are here to speak with us to overcome the sorrow of the Lord not being able to speak with us directly.

(3) The “Uccvasitham” ( samanam or relief)of the viyOga upatApam ( heat from the separation pangs) of BhUmi is referred to here ; the relief to Her from the samprayuktham of the Udhaka theertham ( the association with the sanctified waters ) form the PaadhukA PattAbhishEkam is also celebrated here ..V.S

தசாநநாதீந் மணிபாதரக்ஷே
ஜிகீஷதோ தாசரதே: வியோகாத்
ஜாதோபதாபா த்வயி ஸம்ப்ரயுக்தை:
தீர்த்தோதகை: உச்ச்வஸிதா தரித்ரீ.

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் கொண்டு இழைக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! இராமனால் ஆளப்படவேண்டும் என்ற ஆவல் பூமிக்கு இருந்தது. ஆனால், இராமன் இராவணனை வெல்லவேண்டும் என்ற ஆவல் மேலிட கானகம் சென்றான். இதனால் வருத்தம் கொண்ட பூமியானது, உன் மீது பட்டாபிஷேகத்தின்போது சேர்க்கப்பட்ட புண்ணிய நீர் தன் மீது விழுந்தவுடன் சமாதானம் அடைந்தது.

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