Snake Gourd/ Podlangai Curry


Cut the snake gourd into half.Remove the seeds and soft pulp inside.If it is tender, don’t throw away the seeds and pulp  you can make pachadi out of it. cut the halved snakegourd into small slices.

Ingredients: Half kilo snake gourd,half  Tsp mustard grains,1Tsp Bengal gram/channadhal, 1 T sp black gram/urad dhal. pinch of hing,7-8 curry leaves,2 red chillies,2-3 spoons of oil for frying.2-3 tsp of desicated coconut.

Method1:In a non-stick pan add 2-3 tsp of oil and heat it. Add,mustard seed, hing, channa dhal, urad dhal,wait until the mustard crackles and the dhals turn golden brown, now add curry leaves and red chillies broken into pieces.mix once and add the cut snake gourd. Mix well and add 1/4 cup of water and let it cook for 8-10 minutes.

Mix well and add salt to taste and cook for few more minutes until done.Now add the desicated coconut.Mix once and switch of the heat. You can serve this as a side dish with Rice or Roti



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  1. K.MUTHU SELVAMTwo years before, Mr.Gautam, as a Chairman of Bio Diversity Authority made a coemmnt on GM Crops as genetically modified crops are the only answer to increase the production and productivity and to solve malnutrition problem in the country I am surprised to note that many non-governmental organisations are shouting from rooftops against the introduction of GM crops. They are either ignorant about the ground realities or have some ulterior motive .A group of environmental activists wrote to the NBA Chairman urging him to withdraw his coemmnts and render an apology. They relied upon Section 36.4 (ii) of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 that acknowledges the potential hazards of genetically modified organisms. It was ironic that Mr.Gautam, the prime implementing Officer under the Biological Diversity Act was un-restrained in his appreciation of genetically modified crops, despite the gravity of his position and responsibility towards the conservation of biological diversity. Moreover, recently NBA came under the scanner for its failure in notifying regulations on access to biodiversity, transfer of results of research and IPR. This castigating report was part of audit report of the Comptroller of Auditor General. In the light of all these failings on the part of the NBA especially of Mr.Gautam, no one could expect the same spirit and dedication of Mr.Nagaran, the outgoing chairman or much more from Mr.Gautam.K.MUTHU SELVAMIP ADVOCATE


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