


adiyEn has joined without fail the majestic and glorious feet of the Lord, who is neverseparated from His beloved consort. He has the most bewitching beauty. He is an ocean ofmercy. His dayaa for His devotees is unmatched. He is omniscient. He is easy of access toHis devotees. He has the chEthanams and achEthanams as His body. He is the supremeLord of all this universe. He is the one, who creates, protects and destroys all of this worldand its beings. These auspicious attributes will never part company with the Lord. adiyEnhas now arrived at the sacred feet of PeraruLaaLan of such anantha kalyaaNa guNavaibhavam just as a clearly aimed arrow reaches its intended target without fail.


Swamy Desikan states that he has indissolubly blended with the sacred feet of Lord Varadhan of such ananatha KalayaaNa guNams through the performance of Prapatthi. Swamy Desikan describes the greatness and glories of Lord Varadaraajan with chiseled words :He has Mahaa Lakshmi (ThirumahaL), who never leaves Him ; He has the most enchanting body (Thiru Vadivu); He has apaara karuNai for those, who sought His refuge (ThiruvaruL);He has clear Jn~aanam and is Omniscient (teLL aRivu); He is bhaktha sulabhan (arumaiilaamai); He has the chEtanams and achEthanams as His body (uRavu/Sambhandham); Hehas the matchless ancient Kingdom (aLappu ariya adi arasu); He is the One, who creates,protects and dissolves every thing as the Supreme Being (amaippu /creation, aLippu/protection and azhippu/destruction). He is changeless (kalakkam ilaavahai ninRavan). Hestays as the boon granting Varadhar (aruL Varadhar). He is a steady target (nilai ilakku) for the Mumukshus to offer their Prapatthi. adiyEn has arrived at this target like an arrow shot by a skilled archer and have united with those sacred feet (AruL Varadhar nilai ilakkil ambhu yena nAnn amizhnthEn).

The following Veda manthram is the source for the choice of Swamy Desikan’s words, “ambhena naann amizhnthEn” :

praNavO dhanu: SarO hyAthmA Brahma tallakshyam uchyathE
apramatthEna vEddhavyam Saravath tanmayO bhavEth

Meaning of the above manthram:

When a skilled archer fixes an arrow on his bow and with total concentration aims that arrow at a desired target and shoots that arrow, latter flies towards the aimed target, enters it and becomes one with it (tanmayO bhavathy). Vedam uses this comparison to Prapatthi. The bow is PraNavam; the arrow is Jeevan; the target is Brahman. When this arrow is shot at the target by the skilled archer (achaaryan), then the Jeevan successfully arrives at the target and becomes one with it.


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