Hamsa Sandesam: Sloka 1


Perumudivakkam Sri Kothandaramaswamy Temple Brahmotsavam_2013_13

Hamsasandesam Sloka1

The Lord Sriman nArAyaNan, the ruler of all the three worlds and who never is away from His Devi even for a second, incarnated as a human being in the blemishless sUrya vamSam as Raamacandran and obeyed all the dharmams of the human beings. He married SitA PirATTi, renounced the kingdom in favor of His brother and exiled Himself to the forest in obedience to His father’s words (Pitru vAkhya paripAlanam). In the forest, the stealthy RaavaNan

abducted His PirATTi and took Her to his kingdom of LankA. Lord Raamabhadran sent HanumAn to find the place in LankA, where His Devi was imprisoned by RaavaNa. HanumAn located SitA PirATTi in the aSoka vanam, gave this auspicious message of his Lord to PirATTi to comfort Her and returned to the side of his Master with the subha samAcAram of finding SitA PirATTi in LankA. Hearing this good news, Lord Raamacandran resolved to invade LankA to retrieve His Devi. He longed to be reunited with His Devi and spent the insufferably long night in great suffering. That night until dawn broke was like a yugam for the Lord eager to join His Devi as quickly as possible.

Lord Raamacandran is sUrya vamSotbhavan; JAnaki, the daughter of King Janaka is Candra vamSothbhavaL. She took an anurUpam as a human being to accompany Her lord during this Vibhava avatAram. She was an ayonijai and was found by King Janaka in a field, which He was ploughing for the conductance of a yAgam. Lord Raamacandra experienced twelve years of garbha vAsam in Mother KausalyA’s womb. He observed and respected the dharmams observed by humans and declared that He was a mere human being and the son of King DaSarathan (AtmAnam mAnusham manye rAmam daSaratAtmajam). He “suffered”like human beings for the fulfillment of His avatAra kAraNam. He was separated from Jaanaki (janaka tanayA) and showed eagerness in searching for Her, when She was abducted by the evil RaavaNan (janaka tanayA anveshaNe jAgarUka:) after return of HanumAn with the good news from LankA (pavana tanaye pratyAyAte), he made up His mind (niScitArtha:) immediately to invade LankA and free His Devi from imprisonment. He desired intensely to be united with His Devi and suffered patiently through the night that stretched like kalpa kAlam (kAmI kalpa AkAram niSAm kathamapi vishehe).

Commentary by Sri Oppiliappan Sadagopan

The following is the pictorial representation of and video for Sloka 1 of Hamsa Sandesam by Smt Jayanthi Sridharan (Carnatic vocalist)
slokam 1

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  1. Very nice effort to Bring Vedantadesika’s Hamsasandesam to common people in comparison with Thyagarajar, Nammalwar etc,along with beautiful rendition. Thanks and bgest wishes to the author as well as Anudianam.org.


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