Names of Krishna – Word Search Puzzle



Here is a Word Search Puzzle for Children, find the names of Lord Krishna in the puzzle.
Please write your answers in comments section below, along with the time taken to solve the puzzle. Answers for this puzzle, will be published in the next puzzle question

Krishna Puzzle

Answer to last puzzle – Names of Rama and Sita (

Sri Rama Puzzle_Answers

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  1. Answers :
    1. GOVINDA – 3rd row from down, 3rd column from left, letter is G,which is starting point and move diagnolly Up and end at A which is at 3rd row from top and 3rd column from right.
    2. MURALIDHARA – 2nd row from top, 2nd column from left, letter is M, Which is starting point and move down vertically and end at A which is at last row from top and 2nd column from right.
    3. MUKUNDA – 5th row from top, 3rd column from left, letter is M, which is starting point and move horizontally to right and end at letter A which is in the same row and 3rd column from right.
    4. ACYUTA – 2nd row from top, 3rd column from left, letter is A, which is starting point and move diagonally down and end at A which is at 7th row from top and 4th column from right.
    5. HRISHIKESA – 1st row from top, 2nd column from left, letter is H , which is starting point and move horizontally to right and end at A which is at the same row and last column from left.
    6. DAMODHARA – 2nd row from down, 4th column from left, letter is D , which is starting point and move diagonally up and end at A which is at the 3rd row from top and 1st column from right.
    7. MADHAVA – 5th row from top , 1st column from left, letter is M, which is starting point and move down vertically and end at A which is at the last row from top and last column from left.
    8. MADHUSUDAN – last row from down, 1st column from left, letter is M , which is starting point and move horizontally and end at N which is at the same row and 2nd column from right.


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