Paduka Sahasram Part 85


Sloka #841

841. shONOpalaIscharaNarakshiNi! samshrithEShu
ChAyAthmanA marathakEShu thavAvagADa:
anvEthi shoUriraBhitha: PhalapankthishOBhi-
nyAthmAnamEva shayitham vatapathramaDhyE

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! With the red stones all around and with the green ones in the inside, the Lord being reflected creates an imagery of the Vatapatra say, the Lord reclining in a banyan leaf, surrounded by the banyan fruits. (see verse 717)

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: In the 717th slOkam , Swamy Desikan described the image of the Lord reflected on the PaadhukAs as Vatapatra Saayee or the child lying on a pupil leaf. Here, he takes that analogy further and weaves in the combined image presented by the rubies and the emeralds adorning the PadhukAs. He says: “Oh PaadhukE! Your red rubies surrounded by green emeralds reflect Your Lord as a child resting on the green leaf of a pupil tree demarcated by the rows of red fruits of the pupil tree.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! The imagery of the Green gem stones embedded on you with the red gem stones reminds us of Lord Vatapathra Saayee resting on the Pupil leaf surrounded by the red fruits of the Pupil tree during PraLayam.

3) Oh Protector of the Lord’s sacred feet (CharaNa RakshaNi)! The image of the PadhmarAga stones with emeralds on Your surface ( sONOpalai: samsrithEshu Tava MaratakEshu chAyA) reminds one of the PrathibimBham of your Lord resting on a green pupil leaf surrounded by the red fruits of the Pupil tree (ChAyAthmanA avaghADa: Souri: abhitha Phala pankthi sObhini VaDapathra madhyE sayithAm aathmAnamEva

841. சோணோபலை: சரண ரக்ஷிணி ஸம்ச்ரிதேஷு
ச்சாயாத்மநா மரதகேஷு தவ அவகாட:
அந்வேதி சௌரி: அபித: பலபங்க்தி சோபிநி
ஆத்மாந மேவ சயிதம் வடபத்ர மத்யே

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளை காப்பாற்றும் பாதுகையே! பத்மராகக்கற்களால் சூழப்பெற்ற உனது பச்சைக்கற்களின் பிரதிபிம்பமாக ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதன் புலப்படுகிறான். அப்போது அவன் அனைத்தும் பக்கங்களிலும் பவழ வரிசைகளால் சூழப்பட்டு ஆலிலையின் நடுவே சயனித்திருந்த திருக்கோலத்தை ஒத்த, தன்னையே நிகர்த்தபடி உள்ளான்.

Sloka #842

842. sPhItham padhAvani! thava snapanArdhramUrthE-
rAsAgaram thathamaBhUthmaNirashmijAlam
lIlOchitham raGhusuthasya shaKhyamAsan
yAthUni yasya valayEna vivEShtithAni

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! When You were given the sacred bath as part of the coronation, Your form with so many gems emanated rays in such an array that it extended all around to the shores of the ocean, as if a large net were laid over. The Rakshasas fell within Your ray-gamut. Then it was a mere sportive hit to aim arrows to kill the Rakshasas. That Rama achieved.

(The credit goes to the Paaduka in the manner of annihilation of the Rakshasas. Paaduka-pattabhisheka achieved, at the very moment, the destruction of all bad elements. The pretext of Rama going and throwing his arrows was only a mere pretext.)

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UthamUr Swamy ‘s anubhavam: Swamy Desikan describes the wide envelope of the rays emanating from the gems adorning the PaadhukAs as an expansive net to capture the rAkshasAs.He says: ” Your wet form after Your sacred bath with their spreading envelope of rays generated by Your gems appear like a vast and round fish net to catch the fish of evil rAkshasAs, the target of Lord RaamachandrA’s hunt.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! There was the time , when Your PattAbhishEkam took place . At that time, the limitless radiance from Your gem stones spread far and wide and encircled the world like an extended fish net . In to that net were captured the RaakshasAs , who became fit objects for hunt by Your Lord.

3) Oh PaadhukE (PadhAvani) ! After the sacred bath , Your surface is wet still (snapana aardhra Moorthy). The expansive and dense rays from Your gems have spread far and wide all the way from one ocean to the other in this world( snapana aardhara moorthE: Tava spheetham MaNi rasmi jAlam aasAgaram tatham abhUth). Through the envelope of that dense net , Your Lord captures the RaakshasAs and makes them target of His arrows during His hunt for them (Yasya valayEna vivEshithAni yaathUni Raghu-suthasya leelOchitham sakhyam aasan)….(V.S) .

842. ஸ்பீதம் பதாவநி தவ ஸ்நபந ஆர்த்ர மூர்த்தே:
ஆஸாகரம் ததம் அபூத் மணிரச்மி ஜாலம்
லீலோசிதம் ரகுஸுதஸ்ய சரவ்யம் ஆஸந்
யாதூநி யஸ்ய வலயேந விவேஷ்டிதாநி

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகையே! திருமஞ்சனம் மூலம் நனைந்துள்ள உனது இரத்தினக்கற்களின் ஒளியானது ஸமுத்திரம் வரை பரவி நின்றது. அந்த ஒளியானது ஒரு வலை போன்று காணப்பட்டது. அந்த வலையில் சூழப்பட்ட அரக்கர்கள் அனைவரும் இராமனின் பாணங்களுக்கு விளையாட்டு போன்று இலக்கானார்கள்.

Sloka #843

843. rathnAmshuBhisthava thadhA maNipAdharakshE!
samrajyamAnavapuShAm rajanImuKhEShu
AkasmikAgathamadharshi mahoUShaDhithvam
sAkEthapatthanasamIparuhAm dhrumANAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! When You were ruling over Ayodhya, the radiations from Your gems could fall on the trees near the city and make them phosphoresce at night. How the trees overnight became transformed into the traditional Mahowshadhis made the people wonder. (The Paaduka and similarly the Azhvars can by their effulgence make any one, whosoever it may be, shine with knowledge.)

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Swamy Desikan refers to special trees in the forest known as MahAushadi. They light up in darkness due to their florescence. He compares the trees around AyOdhyA, which light up like MahAushadi thanks to the power of the red rays of PaadhukAs. He says: ” Oh MaNi PaadhukE! During the evening time, after Your sacred bath, Your rubies send out their brilliant red rays. They shine on the trees located on the outskirts of AyOdhyA and make them look like the unsuspected MahAushadi trees. ” Until the red rays from the rubies of PaadhukAs fell on them, the trees of AyOdhyA looked like ordinary trees during the onset of night. Once Your red rays fell on them , they took the appearance of the flourescent trees of the forest.

(2) Yerivalli creepers are those , which are found on the slopes of mountains and give out a red fluorescence at dusk . Oh PaadhukE! the lustre from You during the time you reigned over AyOdhyA and protected the citizens spread to the trees near AyOdhya and made them look like Yerivalli creepers at dusk.

3) Oh MaNipAdha RakshE ! During the time of your reign as the protector of the Citizens of AyOdhyA (TadhA),the lustre of your rubies was seen falling on the trees near the city of AyOdhya ( Tava RathnAmsubhi: samrajyamAna VapushAm SaakEtha-patthana-sameeparuhAm dhrumANAm adarsi) .What was the effect ? Your red rays lit them up (the trees) and made them glow like Yerivalli creepers at dusk— ( V.S).

843. ரத்ந அம்சுபி: தவ ததா மணி பாதரக்ஷே
ஸம்ரஜ்யமாந வபுஷாம் ரஜநீமுகேஷு
ஆகஸ்மி காகதம் அதர்சி மஹௌஷதித்வம்
ஸாகேத பத்தந ஸமீபருஹாம் த்ருமாணாம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! நீ அயோத்தியின் சக்ரவர்த்தினியாகப் பட்டம் ஏற்று, அந்த நாட்டைக் காப்பாற்றிய காலத்தில், உன்னுடைய இரத்தினக்கற்களின் ஒளி காரணமாக பளபளப்பான உருவம் பெற்றதாக அயோத்திக்கு அருகில் இருந்த மரங்கள் காணப்பட்டன. இதனைக் காணும்போது, இரவுப்பொழுதில் ஜ்வலிக்கின்ற ஹௌஷதி என்ற தன்மை அவற்றுக்குத் திடீரென ஏற்பட்டதாகத் தோன்றின.

Sloka #844

844. rAmE vanam dasharaThE cha dhivam prayAthE
nirDhUthavishvathimirA sahasA bhaBhUva
BhUyiShtarathnakiraNA BhavathI raGhUNAm
BhUya: prathApathapanOdhayapUrvasanDhyA

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! Rama proceeded to the forest; King Dasharatha, to the heavens. All was dark in the State. It was just then that You came to rule over the country Your installation was therefore, the real dawn, the dawn of good times, for the country.

(Azhvar and the Tamil Veda were given out when there was complete darkness. So their advent was dawn for the world).

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam : Oh PaadhukE! When Raama was in exile and King DasaraTaa in heaven , You were coronated. At that time, the red rays from Your rubies spread far and wide.As they spread , they destroyed the darkness (sorrow ) of the world and served as the powerful Sun’s rays at dawn created by the scions of the race of Emperor Raghu “. Swamy Desikan states that the sorrow (darkness) of the world increased, when Raama was in exile and DasaraTaa shook off his mortal coils. At that time, the red rays from rubies served as the rays of the rising Sun at dawn and dispelled the existing darkness.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: It was the time when Your Lord went away to the forest. King DasaraTA ascended to Svargam. You became the empress of KosalA kingdom and banished all the darkness and sorrows of the world.

3) Oh PaadhukE! When Your Lord went to observe His vana vaasam (RaamE vanam prayAthE Sathi) and King DasaraTa reached Svargam (DasaraTE cha dhivam prayAthE sathi), You removed the enveloping darkness immediately (Bhavathee sahasA nirdhUtha visva timirA BhabhUva). How did you do that ? You did it by serving as the dawn for the Sun of the valor of the kings of Raghu Vamsam through Your spreading rays from Your rubies (BhUyishta rathna kiraNA RaghUNAm bhUya; prathApa tapanOdhaya PoorvasandhyA BhabhUva)…(V.S).

844. ராமே வநம் தசரதே ச திவம் ப்ரயாதே
நிர்தூத விச்வ திமிரா ஸஹஸா பபூவ
பூயிஷ்ட ரத்ந கிரணா பவதி ரகூணாம்
பூய: ப்ரதாப தபந உதய பூர்வஸந்த்யா

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகையே! இராமன் கானகத்திற்கும், தசரதன் விண்ணிற்கும் சென்றபோது, இந்த உலகம் முழுவதும் இருண்டது. அப்போது உனது இரத்தினக் கற்களின் ஒளி மூலமாக, நீ மறுபடியும் ரகு வம்சத்து அரசர்களின் பராக்கிரமமாகிற சூரியன் உதிப்பதற்கு ஏற்ற காலை வேளையாக நின்றாய்.

Sloka #845

845. prIthEna dhEvi! viBhunA prathipAdhanIyAm
pAdhAvani! prathipadhOdhithamanjunAdhAm
vidhyAm vidhurBhagavatha: prathipAdhanArhAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! Those who have mastered the ocean of Vedic knowledge declare that You are by Yourself a Vidya; an Upaya, an Upasana. This has been delivered to the world by the Lord Himself, who is pleased with one’s conduct. The Vidya-sound is heard at every one of Your steps of movement, and it is melodious. (One attains God by this Vidya, that is one attains the Lord by surrendering to the Paaduka)

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: In the previous verse , Swamy Desikan described the PaadhukAs as the dispeller of darkness of the night. Here , he describes them as the Upanishadic vidhyA to acquire the experience of a bright day. He says: ” Oh PaadhukE ! You are the VidhyA that brings the Lord before us . You are worn by Him. You are also raising a melliflous sound during every one of Your steps. Those sounds are like the intonation of the manthrAs associated with the VidhyA to bring Your Lord closer to us with Your help. Through that mantrA and the Bhakthi that You stir in us , You represent the VidhyA to get us closer to Your Lord. You are that Prapatthi VidhyA that helps us to realize our goals of securing MOksham.

2) SrImath Andavn’s anubhavam: You are like Vedam and the delectable dhvani arising from the jostling of the gems inside Your YanthrikA (toe holds) remind one of the arrival of the Lord to bless us with Your help.

3) Oh PaadhukA DEvi ! You are fit for Your Lord’s sanchAram (prathipAdhanArham).You are recognized as Veda naadham (ThvAm vidhyAm vidhu: ). This recogniiton is by those, who have crossed the ocean and reached its other bank ( PaarAyaNAgama payOnidhi: pAragA: ). Your Lord is delighted by You and the AchAryAs present You to the Lord ( preethEna VibhunA prathipAdhaneeyam ) . At every step of Yours during the transport of Your Lord , You generate sweet sounds ( Prathipadha udhitha manjunAdham) and are recognized as veritable Veda Naadham ( ThvAm vidhyAm vidhu:)…(V.S).

845. ப்ரீதேந தேவி விபுநா ப்ரதிபாதநீயாம்
பாதாவநி ப்ரதிபத உதித மஞ்ஜுநாதாம்
வித்யாம் விதுர்பகவத: ப்ரதிபாதநார்ஹாம்
பாராயணாகம பயோநிதி பாரகாஸ்த்வாம்

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகாதேவியே! ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனால் மிகவும் மகிழ்வுடன் அடியார்களுக்கு அருளத் தக்கவளாகவும், ஒவ்வொரு அடிவைப்பிலும் இனிமையான வேத நாதத்துடன் கூடியவளாகவும், ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனை எங்களுக்கு  அளிக்கவல்லவளாகவும் நீ உள்ளாய். இப்படிப்பட்ட உன்னை வேத ஸமுத்திரங்களின் கரை கண்டவர்கள், வேதமாகவே அறிகின்றனர்.

Sloka #846

846. mukthAmshukEsaravathI sThiravajradhamShtrA
mUrthi: shriyO Bhavasi mADhavapAdharakshE!
nAThasya nUnamuchithA narasimhamUrthE:

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! When the Lord took the Nrisimha avatara, You took a very appropriate incarnation as His consort. Your pearl-given white radiation constitutes the mane of the Lion. Your diamonds serve as the hard teeth. The avatara was pleasing to devotees. (It enhanced the affluence of Prahlada, the great Bhakta). You have a gold composition, He cleaved Hiranya. To Him, as His consort, you are nearly his feminine replica, very much alike.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: When Swamy Desikan thinks about the pearls and gold associated with the PaadhukAs , He is reminded of the Lord’s incarnation as NarasimhA .He considers the Paadhukais as MahA Lakshmi, who appears with Her Lord in every one of His incarnations .Here , Swamy considers the PaadhukAs as the Devi of Lord Narasimhan .He says: “Maadhava PadhukE! Your rows of pearls look like the mane of NarasimhA. Your adamantine (vajrA ) stones resemble His hard teeth. Your gold looks like the form cleaved by NarasimhA, when He tore apart HiraNyakasipu to protect the innocent PrahlAdha. Through all these resemblences, You remind me of SrI Devi, who always takes an appropriate form to suit that particular incarnation of Her Lord. Oh PaadhukE! You appear to me like the consort of Lord NarasimhA with all the similarities cited”.

2) Oh PadhukE ! Perals, Diamonds are enmeshed in a base of gold on you . When bhakthAs have your darsanam with all these features, they are delighted. The lustre from Your pearls remind them of the glorious mane as Nara Simham. The hard diamonds remind them of the Lord’s incisors. When the Lord looks at You , you appear like MahA Lakshmi , who took the avathAram befitting His Narasimha form .

3) Oh Maadhava PaadharakshE ! With the radiance of Your pearls , You remind us of the majestic manes of the lion (MukthAmsubhi: kEsaravathee); with the hard diamond (sTira Vajra) on You reminding of the incisors of Lord NarasimhA, you seem to have taken a form that matches well with that of Your Lord like MahA lakshmi, who takes an appropriate from befitting every one of the avathArams of Her Lord (NaaTasya uchithA Sriya:Moorthy bhavasi)…(V.S).

846. முக்தாம்சு கேஸரவதீ ஸ்திரவஜ்ர தம்ஷ்ட்ரா
ப்ரஹ்லாத ஸம்பத் அநுரூப ஹிரண்யபேதா
மூர்த்தி: ச்ரியோ பவஸி மாதவ பதரக்ஷே
நாதஸ்ய நூநம் உசிதா நரஸிம்ஹ மூர்த்தே:

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாச்சியாரைத் தரித்த ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகையே! உன்னுடைய முத்துக்களின் ஒளியானது சிங்கத்தின் பிடரிமுடி போன்று உள்ளது. உன்னில் பதிக்கப்பட்ட உறுதியான வைரங்கள், கோரைப்பற்கள் போன்று உள்ளன. உன்னில் உள்ள தங்கமயமான தன்மையானது, ப்ரஹ்லாதனின் பக்தி என்னும் செல்வமாக உள்ளது. இப்படியாக நரஸிம்ஹனாக நின்ற ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனுக்கு ஏற்ற பிராட்டி போன்று உனது திருமேனியைக் கொண்டவளாக உள்ளாய் போலும் (பாதுகையைப் பெண்சிங்கம் என்கிறார்).

Sloka #847

847. samBhAvayanthi kavayaschathuraprachArAm
manjusvanAm mahithamoUkthikapathraLAngIm
svADhInasarvaBhuvanAm maNipAdhukE! thvAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! Poets praise Your gentle gait, sweet voice, pearl-white wings and Your capacity to keep all the worlds under Your suzerainty. Your being on the lotus (of the Lord’s feet) befits Your being a Royal Swan. And the water-birds admire the above traits and acknowledge the swan as their head. You are thus veritably the Royal Swan playing on the lotus.

(Hamsa or swan is a perfect representative of Acharyas. Paaduka is one such Acharya. Indeed Nammazhvar is our first Acharya in this world).

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Swamy Desikan states here that the PaadhukAs are the pair of swans residing at the lotus feet of the Lord. He points out that the beauty of the walk and the sweet sounds associated with the PaadhukAs make them resemble the swans. Further, both the PaadhukAs and the swans have the freedom to move all around the universe. Both are lauded by the poets . The PaadhukAs are thus recognized as a pair of swans residing at the lotus feet of the Lord .He says: ” Oh MaNi PaadhukE! the all knowing water birds see Your rows of pearls and conclude that they are like the feathers of white swans; they hear the sweet sound you make during your movements and conclude that those are sounds raised by white swans.Putting two and two together , they recognize you as a pair of swans worshipped by all the world and residing at the lotus feet of the Lord”.

2) SrImath Andavan anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! You generate a very plesant naadham during Your sanchArams. High quality and dazzling white pearls are enmeshed on Your surface . All the world is under Your control. You stand as the Hamsam ( female White Swan ) for the lotus feet of Your Lord. Just as the Hamsam that does not part with the lotus, You do not part with the sacred feet of Your Lord. This is the assessment of the poets of discriminating intellect.

3) Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! You show the features of a female Raaja Hamsam (i-e)., red beak and feet as well as white body (Raajahamseem SambhAvayanthi). The poets with sharp intellect (Kavaya: ) equate you to the Raaja Hamsam sitting at the lotus feet of Your Lord ( ThvAm RangAdhirAja padha pankaja rAja hamseem sambhAvayanthi). What are their reasons to characterize You as a female Raaja Hamsam ? Their reasons are: (1) You have a delightful nadai/sanchAram (chathura: prachAram) , (2) You generate a delightful sound ( manjusvAnam), (3) a radiant white body hue like the high quality pearls ( mahitha moukthika pathraLa angeem) , (4) You have all (the watery) worlds under Your control (svAdheena sarva- bhuvanAnAm). On adding all these up , they conclude that You are a Raaja Hamsam at Your Lord ‘s lotus feet …(V.S).

847. ஸம்பாவயந்தி கவயச் சதுர ப்ரசாராம்
மஞ்ஜுஸ்வநாம் மஹித மௌக்திக பத்ரளா அங்கீம்
ஸ்வாதீந ஸர்வபுவநாம் மணிபாதுகே த்வாம்
ரங்காதிராஜ பத பங்கஜ ராஜஹம்ஸீம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! நீ சீரிய நடையைக் கொண்டவளாகவும், இனிய நாதம் கொண்டவளாகவும், உயர்ந்த முத்துக்களால் வெண்மையான சிறகுகள் உடையவள் போன்றும், அனைத்து நீர் மற்றும் உலகங்களை வசப்படுத்தியவளாகவும் உள்ளாய். இப்படியாக உள்ள உன்னைக் காணும் நீரில் வாழ்கின்ற பறவைகள் அனைத்தும் உன்னை, ஸ்ரீரங்கநாஜனின் திருவடித் தாமரையில் எப்போதும் விளையாடுகின்ற பெண் ராஜஹம்ஸம் என்றே எண்ணுகின்றன.

Sloka #848

848. mukthAmayUKharuchirAm maNipAdharakshE!
manjusvanAm maNiBhirAhithavarNavargAm
manyE mukundhapadhapadhmaDhubrathInA-
manyAmakruthrimagirAmaDhidhEvathAm thvAm

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! With the white lustre of pearls, the sweet melody, the variety of colours generated, You find You are hovered round by female beetles. They could be regarded as Srutis, marked by effulgence, sweetness, array of alphabets etc. To Srutis, the Paaduka becomes another Presiding Deity (Saraswati being one, with white garment, sweet sound, etc).

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh Mani PaadharakshE !You are beautiful with the white rays asociated with Your pearls. You have a sweet sound , when You move. You have many hues due to the different colored gems adorning You. With the combination of all the above qualities , You remind me of a flock of bees circling the lotus feet of the Lord. The bees are nothing but the empowering principle behind the VedAs.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh MaNi PaadharakshE ! with Your resplendent white pearls , delightful naadham arising from Your movements and the multi-colored gems on You , You remind one of the bee hovering over the lotus flower . Just as the honey bee that never leaves the lotus flower , Oh PaadhukE , You never leave the side of Your Lord’s sacred feet even for a moment. You resemble the adhishtAna dEvathai of all the VedAs (i-e) all the VedAs have taken their abode in You. Vandu/Vedam is called DhvrEpam) since the name “Bramaram ” for them has two “R”s .

3) Oh Gem-studded PaadharakshE ! You are beautiful with the lustre of Your pearls ( MukthA mayukha ruchirAm ); You produce a beautiful naadham , when You move (ManjusvanAm) ; You have the assembly of colors from black (ornyx) to red (PadhmarAgam ) on Your surface ( MaNibhi: aahitha varNavargAm) . With all these features , You resemble a female honey bee at the lotus feet of Your Lord ( ThvAm Mukundha Padha Padhma madhuvrathee) . adiyEn also considers You as the aadhaara dEvathai for the apourushEya Vedams ( akruthrima girAm anyAm adhi-dEvathAm manyE )….(V.S).

848. முக்தாமயூக ருசிராம் மணிபாதரக்ஷே
மஞ்ஜுஸ்வநாம் மணிபி: ஆஹித வர்ணவர்க்காம்
மந்யே முகுந்த பதபத்ம மதுவ்ரதீநாம்
அந்யாம் அக்ருத்ரிமகிராம் அதிதேவதாம் த்வாம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! உன்னில் பதிக்கப்பட்ட முத்துக்களின் ஒளியால் மிகவும் அழகாக உள்ளாய்; இனிமையான நாதங்கள் கொண்டவளாக உள்ளாய்; இரத்தினங்களால் உண்டாக்கப்படும் கருப்பு, சிகப்பு முதலான பல நிறங்களைக் கொண்டவளாக உள்ளாய். இப்படியாக உள்ள உன்னைக் காணும்போது – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் தாமரை போன்ற திருவடிகளை எப்போதும் மொய்த்தபடி உள்ள பெண் வண்டுகள் போன்றதும், யாராலும் செய்யப்படாததாக உள்ளதும் ஆகிய ச்ருதிகளின் அதிஷ்டான தேவதை என்று எண்ணுகிறேன்.

Sloka #849

849. AsAdhya kEkayasuthAvaradhAnamUlam
kAlam pradOShamanirIkshya ramAsahAyam
manjupraNAdharahithA maNipAdharakshE
moUnavratham kimapi nUnamavarthayasthvam

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Manipaaduka! The promise that Dasharatha had made to Kaikeyi drove Rama and Sita to the forest. This period of separation You did rightly regard as tainted with great stigma. (It was pradosha period-Trayodasi coexisting with dusk.) You, therefore, chose to be silent, without emitting Your usual melodious sound.

(Azhvar’s works are to be recited in proximate presence of the Lord).

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: On seeing the Paadhukais , Swamy Desikan is reminded of the MahA pradhOsham day , when one has to observe the vow of silence. MahA pradhOsham falls at dusk on ThrayOdasi days. Swamy Desikan says: ” Oh PaadhukE! By giving the boon to KaikEyi, You have reached the status of MahA pradhOsham (most inauspicious day) , when one can not worship the Lord and His consort, since one has to observe a strict vow of silence and immobility. You lose Your sweet sound during those fourteen years and observed the vow of silence as a rsult of Your sorrow in not being able to se and serve Your Lord “.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! Lord Raamachandra granted BharathA’s request and You left as a result with Bharathan to AyOdhyA to rule in the name of Your Lord . You left Raamachnadra and for 14 years stayed without sanchAram on the throne of Raghu Kulam. It was like MahA PradhOsham time for You since You stayed at one place without generating Naadham from Your transport of Your Lord.At MahA pradhOsham evening , One has to maintain silence and not engage in visit to Bhagavath SannidhAnam.

3) Oh MaNi PaadhukE ! The time You had to stay away from Your Lord and His DEvi due to the boon granted by King DasaraTA to queen KaikEyi was like an extended period of PradhOsham for You (KEkayasuthA varadhAna Moolam anireekshya RamAsahAyam PradhOsham). At that difficult PradhOsham time , You observed Mouna Vratham without generating Your normal delightful Naadham associated with Your sanchArams (PradhOsha Kaalam aasAdhya manju-praNAtha-rahithA kimapi mouna vratham avarthaya ),,,(V.S).

849. ஆஸாத்ய கேகயஸுதா வரதாநமூலம்
காலம் ப்ரதோஷம் அநிரீக்ஷ்ய ரமாஸஹாயம்
மஞ்ஜுப்ரணாத ரஹிதா மணிபாதரக்ஷே
மௌநவ்ரதம் கிமபி நூநம் அவர்த்தய: த்வம்

பொருள் – இரத்தினக்கற்கள் பதிக்கப்பட்ட பாதுகையே! கைகேயிக்கு வரம் அளித்த காரணத்தினால் சீதையின் துணைவனான இராமனைக் காண இயலாமல் நீ இருந்தாய். அந்த நேரத்தில் உனது இனிமையான நாதங்களை எழுப்பாமல், மௌனமாக அமர்ந்துவிட்டாய். இப்படியாக எம்பெருமானை வணங்கக்கூடாது என்ற விதி கொண்ட ப்ரதோஷ காலத்தின் மௌன விரதம் பூண்டாய் போலும்.

Sloka #850

850. vaIdUryaramyasalilA mahithA marudhBhi-
sChayAvathI marathakOpalarashmijAlaI:
ashrAnthamOhapadhavIpaThikasya janthO:
vishrAnthiBhUmiriva shoUripadhAvani! thvam

Meaning (translated by Sri. U.Ve. V.N. Vedanta Desikan)

Oh Paaduka! The vaidoorya gems give a picture of cool ponds. The wind blows; the emerald stones give a green lustre of coolness. At that state of a cool abode, You become an ideal resting resort for us, who have the samsara ordeal of going hither and thither in illusion, nescience, and loss of consciousness.

Special Notes from Sri. U.Ve. V. Sadagopan

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Swamy Desikan says here that the PaadhukAs are like a comfortable resting place known for its cool shade, gentle winds and abundant water supplies.He says: ” Oh Lord’s PaadhukE! You serve as a resting ground for the people afflicted by the ills of samsAra. Your vaidooryA stones with their clarity serve as a cool brook of water at that resting place . Your emeralds serve as a cool shade there. The DevAs (Maruths) associated with You serve as the cool breeze . At such an exquisitely comfortable resting place provided by You , the suffering human beings scorched by the heat of worldly afflictions find their comfort”.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: Oh PaadhukE ! Just as a site with cool water and comforting shade are desirable places of rest for a traveller affected by the severe heat of the summer, Your comforting shade and the coolness associated with the luste of Your gems remove the delusion of Jeevans suffering from the afflictions of SamsAram. They seek You therefore as a preferred place of shelter.

3) Oh Souri PadhAvani ! The VaiDUryams enmeshed in You produce coolness like the thrist quenching water (VaiDUrya Ramya salilA) .You are celebrated by the DevAs (Marudhbhi: mahithA ). The assembly of rays from Your emeralds serve as a comforting shade to rest (marathakOpala rasmi jALai: ChAyavathee). You become the resting station for those , who are afflicted by the bramam of samsAric activities( Thvam asrAntha-mOha padhavee paTikasya janthO: visrAnthi-bhUmiriva asi) …(V.S).

850. வைடூர்ய ரம்யஸலிலா மஹிதா மருத்பி:
சாயாவதீ மரதகோபல ரச்மிஜாலை:
அச்ராந்தமோஹ பதவீ பதிகஸ்ய ஜந்தோ:
விச்ராந்தி பூமி இவ சௌரிபாதாவநி த்வம்

பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகையே! உனது வைடூர்யக் கற்கள் தெளிவான நீரோடை போன்று உள்ளன; தேவர்கள் உன்னைக் கொண்டாடுவது என்னும் செயல் குளிர்ந்த காற்று போன்று உள்ளது; பச்சை நிற இரத்தினக்கற்களின் ஒளியானது அழகான மரநிழல் போன்று உள்ளது. இப்படியாக உள்ள நீ – சற்றும் இளைப்பாறாமல், உலக விஷயங்களில் மயங்குவது என்ற வழியில் நடக்கின்ற மனிதர்களின் சிரமத்தை நீக்கும் இடமாக உள்ளாய்.

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