Mangalore Bonda


Mangalore Bonda


  • One cup Maida flour
  • Half a cup sour curd
  • One tbs of Rice flour
  • One chopped green chilli
  • One piece of ginger chopped
  • Ont tsp of chopped Coriander leaves
  • Few chopped Cashew nuts
  • A pinch of Soda
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil to Deep fry
  • Mix all the ingredients except oil into a smooth dough.
  • Close and allow it to soak for an hour.
  • Take small portions of it like a small ball and deep fry.
  • Serve hot with coconut chutney.

Courtesy: Smt Uma

  • General guidelines for healthier food – Both body and mind:

    • One should be thinking about Perumal (Nama Smaranam) while cooking, and the purpose should be to offer the preparation to Him.
    • Once the food is prepared, it should be offered to Perumal first. While offering, one should make sure that the food is neither too hot nor cold. It should be offered with love and affection.
    • Please do not offer either pre-cooked food bought from outside or any pre-consumed food.
    • Please follow thiruvaradanam kramam as instructed by your respective acharya. (
    • Follow ahara niyamam as much as possible. Atleast make sure that onion and garlic are not used at all.(
    • Please ensure that food which are not prasadams are not consumed.

    No onion and garlic

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