RathaSapthami Purappadu At Tiruvallur Sri Veeraraghavaswami Temple


08 February 2022, Plava varusha, Thai-26, Tuesday ;

Today, on occasion of Rathasaptami, Perumal purappadu took place in Sri Vaidya VeeraRaghaswami Temple at Tiruvallur. For the past ten days, Thai Brahmotasvam was celebrated in a very grand manner. As a conclusion part of the utsavam, Vidayatri Utsavam was celebrated from 06 February 2022.Today, being thirdday of Vidayatri utsavam and Rathasapthami utsavam, Perumal Purappadu took place in the morning and in the evening in the four mada streets. Perumal came in procession on Surya prabhai Vahanam, adorned in redcolor attire signifying the heat of the sun. Whereas, in the evening, he was adorned in blue colour silk garments signifying the cool moon at night. Devotees had a blissful darshan on this auspicious day.

Photos taken during the utsavam is shared below:

Photo courtesy: Sri Senthil

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