

24 November 2021, Plava varusha, Karthikai -08, Wednesday ;

Sthala Puranam : 

Lord NarasimhaDeva Temple is situated in Devapalli at West Bengal. It is known by the names Narasimha Puri and Devapalli (neighbourhood of the devas).

Lord Narasimhadeva with Hiranyakasipu on His lap and Prahlada at His feet. This self-manifest deity dates back to Satya-yuga. It is believed that Lord Narasimhar came to the place and took rest and washed his hands after killing Demon king Hiranyakasipu.

After Knowing that Lord Narasimha had come to take rest there, all the demigods including Brahma built their houses there and thus created a village on the bank of river Mandakini and all engaged in the service of the Lord. Since that time the place has been known as Narasimha-kshetra . Previously there were many hillocks, where the houses of Brahma, Suryadeva, and Indra were situated. Now only the hillocks are there but one can see many stones lying around which are the ruins of the temples of different demigods.

It is also said that Lord Narasimha washed His hands in the pond next to the temple. This place marks the outer limit of Navadvipa-dhama which extends up to 32 miles. According to the scriptures, this village in Navadvipa, named Sri Narasimha- kshetra, is most purifying.

Darshan Timings: 10-12 a.m.
Location: “Nabadvip Dham” near Mayapur

Other names of this place: Narasimhapuri, Devapalli


Railway Station: Howrah

From Howrah Station:
Reaching “Nabadwip Dham” station, one has to take a rikshaw to
“Mayapur Ghat” and then get on a boat to cross over the Ganga to reach “Hular Ghat” at Mayapur.

One can also take a boat across the Jalangi River to Swarupa Ganj.

From there, bike rickshaw facility is available to reach the temple.

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