New Delhi Sri Ram Mandir Sri RamaNavami Utsavam: Day 9 and 10

Sri Ram mandir

Sri Ram mandir

On 26th March 2018 (Hevilambi Varusham Panguni Punarpoosam) the 10th day of the Sri Ramanavami Utsavam was celebrated grandly at Sri Ram Mandir Temple,New Delhi. Sri Ramar and Seetha Piratti were decorated with flower garlands and jewelleries. Sri Ramar had bow and arrow in his hands. Grand satrumurai and sevakalam took place with arulicheyal and veda parayana ghosti. Sri Ramar and Thayar had beautiful alangaram followed by Pushpa Yagam and the Sri RamaNavami Utsavam was concluded grandly.

On 25 th March 2018, the 9th day of the Utsavam was celebrated grandly. In the morning Thirumanjanam was done for Sri Ramar and Thayar with 81 Kalasam. Then Sri Ramar was adorned white with red color vasthram and Thayar wore orange color vasthram. Then Thirukalyana Utsavam was done for Sri Ramar and Seethapiratti. Several astikas participated in the Sri RamaNavami Utsavam and had the blessings of Divadampathis.

For previous days Sri RamaNavami Utsavam photos, please visit: New Delhi Sri Ram Mandir Sri RamaNavami Utsavam: Day 1-6

New Delhi Sri Ram Mandir Sri RamaNavami Utsavam: Day 7 and 8

Some of the photos taken during the Sri RamaNavami Utsavam:

Day 9

Day 10

Sri Ram mandir

Photo Courtesy : Sri Venkatesh Batter

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