Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam Commences


Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 5

On June 3, 2014; Jaya Varusha Vaikasi Ayiliyam, Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam commenced grandly. On this occasion, Sri Devanathan had Thirumanjanam in the morning and Thiruveethi purappadu in the mada veethis in the evening with grand arulicheyal and veda ghosti. Several devotees took part in the  Vasanthotsavam Day 1 and had the blessings of Divyadampatis.

These are some of the photos taken during the occasion.

Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 2

Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 1 Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 4 Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 3 Thiruvahindrapuram Sri Devanathan Perumal Temple Vasanthotsavam 5


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