Pomona Sri Ranganatha Temple Brahmotsavam – Days 1 to 3


SriRanganatha Temple_US_Brahmotsavam_2013_16

The seventh annual Brahmotsavam at Sri Ranganatha temple, Pomona NY 10970 USA, is being celebrated in a grand manner since July 19th, 2013. The utsavam would carry on till July 28th, 2013. The detailed schedule for the Brahmotsavam is given below.

Recently, Samprokshanam for the golden vimanam of the temple was celebrated grandly on July 14th, 2013. For related photographs, please visit http://anudinam.org/2013/07/15/samprokshanam-at-sri-ranganatha-temple-pomona-ny-usa/

The following are some of the photographs taken during the first three days of the utsavam…

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The following is the detailed schedule for the utsavam…

Brahmotsavam Day-1: Friday, July 19, 2013
Time Event
10 AM Navakalasa Snapana Thirumanjanam to Lord Sri Ranganatha
6:00 PM Sri Vishvaksena procession, Swasthi vachanam, Anujna, Mahapunyaham,  Raksha Bandhnam, Mruth Sangrhanam, Ankurarpana, Homam, Vainatheya Prathista, Vedha & Prabandha Parayana.
Brahmotsavam Day-2: Saturday, July 20, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM Sri Ranganatha in procession, Dhwajarohana, Chatusthan ArchanaAbout Dwaja Aroham: This is the traditional hoisting of the Lord’s Flag with the picture of Sri Garuda on it, which marks the start of the festivities
10:00 AM Shesha Vahana Utsavam#About Sesha Vahanam: The Lord gives darshan on this day as Sri Paramapadanatha, majestically seated on the Sesha Vahanam, as the Supreme Lord of Vaikuntam, the Universe and beyond the Universe. The alankarams (decorations) are breath taking and the Lord beckons His devotees to worship His Lotus Feet.
4:00 PM DhevathAhvAnam, Bherithadana, Homam, Baliharanam
6:00 PM Gaja (Elephant) Vahanam#Gaja (Elephant) Vahanam: The majestic Airavatha, the Celestial Emperor Elephant, carries the Divine Emperor of the Three Worlds, Lord Ranganatha along with His Consort, around the Temple. A priest, sits as a servant, behind the Lord carrying an umbrella. The Temple’s magnificent and enormous GajaVahanam is made of teak, silver and gold and weighs a few tons. The divine sight of the Lord on the GajaVahanam reminds His devotees of His Supremacy over the Universe and beyond the Universe and inspires all to surrender at His Lotus Feet.
Brahmotsavam Day-3: Sunday, July 21, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM Chathusthan Archana, Nitya Nomam, Baliharanam
10:00 AM Garuda-Vahana Utsava Seva#About Garuda Vahanam: The Delightful and all powerful Lord is seated on the Garuda Vahanam and blesses all His devotees. In the past years, after the devotees recited VishnuSaharanam, they witnessed a lone Garuda in the clear sky doing pradakshnam above the Sri Garuda Vahanam. This was witnessed by over 100 devotees.
4:00 PM Music Concert:Smt Rajeswari Satish – Carnatic Vocal
Accompanied by
Smt Radhika Mani – Violin
Shri Kumar Kanthan – Mridangam
4:00 PM Dhevathahvanam, Homam, Baliharanam
6:00 PM Hanumantha Vahana Utsavam#About Hanumantha Vahanam: Sri Hanumantha, the Lord’s Supreme Devotee, carries Sri Seetha sametha Ramachandra on this day. Sriman Narayana’s avatar as the Supremely Merciful SriRamachandra is remembered by one and all on this day. All of the Acharya’s Srimukhams are read out in front of the Lord and melodious bhajans fill the air.
Brahmotsavam Day 4-7: Monday-Thursday, July 22 to July 25, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM Chathusthan Archana, Nitya Homam, Baliharanam
4:00 PM Dhevathahvanam, Nithya Homam, BaliharaNam
Brahmotsavam Day 8: Friday, July 26, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM ChathusthanArchana, Nithya Homam, Baliharanam
4:00 PM Dhevathahvanam, Nithya Homam, Baliharanam
6:00 PM Thiru KalyanaUtsavam of Sri Maha Lakshmi & Sri Ranganatha#Kalyana Utsavam: This is an elaborate event celebrating the wedding of the Divya Dampathis – Lord Sri Ranganatha and Sri Devi and Bhoomi Devi. Garlands are exchanged by the Bridegroom and Brides’ parties, there are dances, games, feasts, floral decorations, and melodious nadaswaram and thavil music to mark the Divine Wedding.Sri Thirumangai Azhwar Vedupari (Dacoit Play):Sri Thirumangai Mannan stole ornaments from the Lord Himself to feed the poor. This incident of stealing ornaments from the Supreme Lord and later Thirumangai Mannan surrender to Lord Sri Ranganatha to become Thirumangai Azhwar is known as Vedupari Utsavam.
Brahmotsavam Day 9: Saturday, July 27, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM Nithyahomam
11:00 AM Ratha Utsavam#  (Chariot Procession – Special Pooja & Utsavam)About Rathotsavam: Rathotsavam or Chariot (ThiruTher) festival: The Supreme Lord and His Consorts will be taken around the Temple in a 24 feet high silver and teak multi-ton Chariot pulled by hundreds of devotees.  The Chariot festival is accompanied by chanting of divyaprabhandham and vedams, singing of bhajans, the melodious nadaswaram and thavil.
4:00 PM Music Concert:Kunnakudi M. Balamurali Krishna – Carnatic Vocal
Accompanied by
Shri Arun Ramamurthy – Violin
Shri Kumar Kanthan – Mridangam
6:00 PM KalpaVriksha Vahana Utsavam#About KalpaVriksha Vahanam: The Lord’s vahanam on this day is the KalpaVriksha Tree, or the Celestial Wish Granting Tree. Sri Venugopala playing his flute underneath the tree mesmerizes His devotees.
Brahmotsavam Day 10: Sunday, July 28, 2013
Time Event
8:00 AM ChathusthanArchana, Nithya Homam
10:00 AM ChakraSnanam# (Theerthavari)About ChakraSnanam: After Thirumanjanam to the Divya Dampathi (Lord Sri Ranganatha and SriDevi and Bhooma Devi), the Holy Chakram (Discus) of the Supreme Lord is immersed (and taken out) of a body of water on the Temple grounds. Simultaneously, devotees enter the Holy water and sprinkle the Holy water so that they may receive the Blessings of the Divya Dampathi
3:00 PM dhwAdhaSArADhana, Pushpa Yagam, Sapthavaranam, Devatha Udwasana, DhwajAvarOhaNa, Maha Purnahuthi, Kumabha Prokshana, Periya Satrumurai, Archaka Maryadha, Utsava paripurthy, Mrshttanna Bojanam, Archaka Maryada, concluding ceremonies of Utsavam, Vandhanam to Volunteers#About Pushpayagam: On this day, the Supreme Lord and His Consorts are worshipped with thousands of beautiful and colorful flowers of various kinds.
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