Srimadh Parakala Jiyar Bangalore Vijayam


Sri Lakshmi Hayavadana Divya Mani Paduka Sevaka Srimadh Abhinava Vagisha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Jiyar’s Bangalore Vijayam from 26th May 2013. Request all the devotees to visit Sri Matam and receive the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayavadana and Sri Parakala Jiyar.

Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Mutt,
Sri Hayagriva Temple, Tank bund Road, Bangalore-560009
More Details Contact: 9900904431, 9844224464

Sunday 26th May  – Arrival at Bangalore Mutt

Wednesday  5th June  –  “Sri Ramunja Sparsha Paduka Puja “  under the Guidance & precedence of HH Srimadh Abhinava Vagisha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Jiyar’s & Thiru Swamy.

Thursday 6th June  – Leave to Hubli Vijayam

Evening @4.30 PM , 5th June there will be Pooja organized also with, Thiruvedi bhajan along with “Acharya Sri Ramanuja Samuhika Sparsha Paduka Utsava ” under the guidance of Sri Tiru Swami ( He has started a moment to complete 1000 Padhuka Usthavams before the Bhagavath Ramanuja’s 1000th Thirunakshtram) @ Parakala Mutt Bangalore , With the presence of HH the pooja will be graced by his special giving away of Paduka as well, People contributing 500 Rs. Will be given a replica Padhuka of Acharya  Ramunja , people interested need to contact Bangalore office for more details.

People in and around Bangalore can take the opportunity to seek the blessings of Lord Hayagriva and Also HH Parakala Swami.  Those also interested in Samasharnayanam and Bharanyasam can contact office for more details and register themselves.

Thanks to Sripuram Srikanth

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