Pattabhishekam of 46th Srimad Azaghiyasingar


Srimad Azhagiyasingars Visit to Srinivasa perumal Temple_Mylapore_27th Apr 2013-0065

The Pattabisheka Mahothsavam of HH 46th Jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt, Srimathe Srivan Sathakopa Sri Ranganatha Yatindra Mahadesikan, was held today morning, May 23rd 2013, at the Dasavathara Sannidhi, Srirangam. Hundreds of sishyas and abhimanis participated in this grand Mahothsavam and received the blessings of Sri Malolan and Srimath Azhagiyasingar. Srimath Poundarikapuram Andavan participated in the mahotsavam. Srimad Azhagiyasingar received malai maryadai from various divya desams and abhimana sthalams.

The following are some of the videos taken during the utsavam earlier today…

Latest photographs will be uploaded soon…

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About HH46th Azhagiyasingar:

The Purvashrama Thirunammam of the 46th Jeeyar is Rg Veda GanapAdi Sri E.B. RangarajacchAr Swamy. The Official name for salutation for us is: Ubhaya Vedantha Thirukkudanthai, Rg Vedam, SalaksahNa GanapAdi, AgnihOtram, Thirumak kOttai EcchampAdi B.RangarAjaacchAr Swamy. The Middle Name “B” is that of Swamy’s Thiru TahappanAr, Sriman Bhakta VatsalAcchAr. The ThirunAmam of Bhaktavatsalar relates to that of ThirukkaNNamangai dhivya dEsa EmperumAn, Sri AbhishEkavalli SamEta Sri Bhaktavatsalar (BhattArAvi PerumAL).

Swamy’s avatAra dinam is Manmanta Samvatsaram, Aani, Magam (23.06.1955). Thai Maga Nakshatram is that of Thirumazhisai AzhwAr, who was devoted to Thirukkudanthai AarAvamudhan. Sri Rg Veda GhanapAdi Swami is a devout bhakthar of Sri KomaLavalli SamEtha Sri AarAvamudhan as well as Sri BhUmi Devi SamEta Sri Oppiliappan. Two Previous Azhagiya Singars were born under Maga Nakshatram: 19th Pattam Sri SrinivAsa Yatheendhra MahA Desikan, Maasi Magam 31st Pattam Sri NaarAyaNa VedAnta Yatheendhra Mahaa Desikan, Kaartikai Magam.

The Swamy was born at Thillai ViLAgam, where the famous Sri KodaNda Raamar Koil is.This abhimaana sthalam has the most beautiful, AajAnu Baahu KodaNda Raamar, where the veins on the arms can be seen as well as the Rakshaa Bhan dham tied by Mother Kousalyaa, when Her dearest son left for the forest to fulfill the promise made to His Father. Thillai ViLAgam is linked to the Aasramam of the Vedic Rishi Bhaaradhv Ajar and Lord Raamachandra is said to have stopped here to pay His homage to the Sage on the way back to Ayodhyaa after reunion with Sitaa PirAtti at Lankha. Thillai ViLagam is 20 km south west of Thirutthurai PooNDi (near VedAraNyam). The Swamy has thus intense Veda Sambhandham from His avataara stalam.

The 46th Pattam Srimath Azhagiya Singar is a brilliant Vedic Scholar and an authority on Dharma Saastram and Vaidhika anushtAnams. He is a renowned Bruhaspathy. He is a parama Saathvikar and Jn~AnushtAna VairAgya Sevadhee. He has been honored by Vedic Sangeetha Foundation of Chennai and has been an active participanat in many Sri Matam Kaimkaryams.He is well known for His KuSaagra Buddhi and Managerial skills.He is fluent in number of languages. Most of all this Swamy had the paripoorNa anugraham of the HH 45th Azhagiya Singar, who proudly pointed out that in all the history of Sri Matam , He is the First NithyAgnihOtri.

Video Courtesy: Sri Veeraraghavan

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  1. without seeing anudinam, the day will be azuhagai dinam. what a yeoman service i guess these youngsters must be doing. great. waiting to see, CLIPS OF THE PATTINAPRAVESAM OF OUR ACHARYAN PRAKRITAM AZHAGIASINGAR, SRIVAN SATAKOPA RANGANATHA YATEENDRA MAHADESIKAN SWAMYIN.
    adiyean rangaraja dasan.


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