Book Release by Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakāla Mutt


On the auspicious occasion of the Thirunakshatrams of Sri Bhagavad Rāmānujācharya and Sri Periya Parakāla Swāmi on Tuesday 14th May 2013, Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakāla Swāmi Mutt is scheduled to release the book “Life of Brahmatantra Swatantra Jîyar and his Divya Sūri Stuti”. The book will be released by Sri Lakshmi Hayavadana Divya Mani Paduka Sevaka Srimad Abhinava Vāgeesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakāla Jîyar at Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakāla Mutt, Krishnavilas Road, Mysore- 570 024.

The book is in English, runs to approximately 700 pages (final count will depend upon font size). Authors of the book include Smt. Chaitanya Sreenath, Sri. Adviteeya Dixit; supported by a scholarly and proficient editorial board. The book contains:

  1. The life of Brahmatantra Swatantra Jîyar- based on the Muvāyirappadi Guruparampara Prabhāvam, with available verses of Pannirāyirappadi Guruparampara Prabhāvam (12,000 Padi);
  2. The Divya Sūri Stuti of Brahmatantra Swatantra Jîyar; with detailed notes, traditional dates and important details on the lives of Âļvārs and Âchāryas- based on the Muvāyirappadi Guruparampara Prabhāvam;
  3. Special attention to details of the glorious life of Sri Rāmānujācharya and
  4. Very detailed account of Swāmi Vêdānta Deśika’s life along with his Dinacharya;
  5. Outline of the history of Sri Parakāla Swāmi Mutt according to the Granthopasamhāra of Alankāramanihāra.

The book is a precious document for all Sree Vaishnavas. It brings together the details of the entire Guruparampara with great clarity and is an excellent reference book on our Sat-Sampradāyam. This is a ‘must own’ book that will be an important part of any book collection.

The price of the book (pre-publication offer) is Rupees 300/- for purchases within India; and U.S. $ 35 for buyers abroad. To reserve your copy today, please send a note to or contact:

Sri. Achutharaman: +91 93412-70559;
Sri. C G Balaji: +91 97413-50273;
Sri. Sudarshana Srinivasan: +91 97316-33664;

Courtesy: Sripuram Sri Srikanth

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