Sthala Puranam – Thiru Naavai – Kerala Divya Desam Series


This is Detailed Stalapuranam about Thiru Naavai, one among the 108 Divya Desams, written by Sri U.Ve.Vidwan Egai VedantaDesika Thatacharya Swami

Located just under 40kms West of Shoranur on the Palghat – Kozhikode rail route is the Naavaai Mukundan divya desam in Thiru Naavaai on the Northern Banks of Barathapuzha River.

The story
Both Goddess Lakshmi and Gajendran wanted to adorn Lord Narayana with Lotus flowers. However, Gajendran could not locate the flowers and undertook prayers here to Narayana, who asked Goddess to stop plucking the Lotus flowers, thus providing an opportunity to Gajendran to adorn the lord with flowers. Goddess Lakshmi is said to have asked the Lord to provide her with an equal status at this temple. Hence, there is a separate sannidhi for the Goddess here, the only Divya Desam in Kerala.

Nava Yogi Kshetram
Nava Yogis undertook penance at this place invoking the blessings of Lord Vishnu, who is said to have provided darshan as Mukundan. These nine yogis are said to have installed the idol at this place. Hence, this place was referred to as Thiru ‘Naa’ ‘Vaai’. Locally, this place is called ThiruNavaya.

Pitru Tharpanam
Another story goes that Parasurama performed Tharpanam for his father at this place. This Kshetram is an auspicious place for performing ‘Pitru Tharpanam’ and is believed to have powers equivalent to that of performing Tharpanam in Kasi.

Azhvaar Praise

Thiru Mangai in one of his 2 paasurams refers to Thiru Naavai lord alongside Koshtiyur Divya Desam.

“கம்ப மா களிறு அஞ்சிக் கலங்க, ஓர்
கொம்பு கொண்ட குறை கழல் கூத்தினை
கொம்பு உலாம் பொழில் கொட்டியுர்க் கண்டு பொய்
நம்பனைச்சென்று காண்டும் நாவாயுலே” -1856

In another verse, Thiru Mangai refers to seeing the Thiru Navai Lord at Thiru Naraiyur

“தூ வாய புள் ஊர்ந்து வந்து, துறை வேழும்
மூவாமை, நல்கி, முதலை துணித்தானை
தேவாதிதேவனை, செங்கமலக் கண்ணானை
நாவாய் உளானை நறையூரில் கண்டேனே”- 1520

Quick Facts

Deity : Navai Mukundan East Facing Standing Posture
Goddess : Malar Mangai Naachiyar
Separate Sannidhi for Goddess: Mahalakshmi

Azhvaar : Thirumangai-2(1520,1856) and NamAzhvaar- 11 (3634-44)
Temple Time : 5am-11am (till 1130am on Sundays) and 5pm-8pm

Priest : Narayana Namboodari
Tel. No. : 0494 2603747 or 93876 34946


10 day festival in April (14-23)
Amasavai Tharpanam Sacred here


ThiruNavai temple offers accommodation to devotees at Rs. 100/- for 2 hours or full day deluxe rooms between Rs.200 and 500 based on the specific needs

Breakfast is available at the temple premises.

How to reach Thiru Navai (Thiru Navaya)

Take Chennai Central-Mangalore Mail and get down at Kuttipuram Station (630am arrival). A local bus from outside the station will take you to the Divya Desam in 20minutes.

Auto from Kuttipuram Station to Thiru Navai Divya Desam will cost Rs.100-125/-

Not many trains stop at Thiru Navaya Railway station. An auto from Navaya station to the Divya Desam (about 2kms) will cost Rs.30-40/-

Thiru Navaya is about 30kms West of Thiru Vithuvakodu Divya Desam(near Pattambi)
and is about 140kms South West of Coimbatore.

To read about Thiru Vithuvakkodu, one among 13 Divya Desams in Kerala, click here:
To read about Thiruvananthapuram click here:
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