Paadukha Yanthram for Friday


Sri RanganAtha padhukA sahasra shlOkams composed by Swami Desikan are all very powerful.

They have tremendous mantra siddhi and kaarya siddhi. Those from the chitra paddhathis (the 7 Yanthrams picked for the seven days) are very auspicious for worship by the ladies in this context.

Rice flour is the best for drawing the kolam .It can also be drawn on white cloth with colored dye (yellow) or drawn on copper or silver /gold plates. The aksharams can be invoked thru the japam, if you are drawing with rice flour. For yanthrams in copper plate, aksharams can be drawn and preserved for continuous use.

If you use rice flour the visarjanam (removal) can be done with the prayer

The yanthram itself is the Aaradhya moorthy. Additional deities need not be invoked or placed on yanthrams. Please use them. Please draw these kolams in your pooja gruhams, recite the shlokams of the day and after that gently remove by hand, the yan- thram after prostrating before it. Swamy Deshikan’s limitless skill as a poet is revealed in the creation of these slOkams in the yanthram (sabdha chithrams) in Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA ahasram (1000 shlOkams composed in less than three hours) in chithra padhathi section of the Sahasram.

Paadukha Yanthram for Sunday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Monday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Tuesday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Wednesday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Thursday can be found at:

For Friday

kAvyAyAsThitha mAvargavyAjayAthagamArgakA

kAmadhA jagatha: sThithyaI rangapungavapAdhukA

காவ்யாய ஆஸ்தித மாவர்க்க வ்யாஜயாதக மார்க்கா

காமதா ஜகத: ஸ்தித்யை ரங்கபுங்கவ பாதுகா




பொருள் – ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகைகள் தங்கள் ஸஞ்சாரத்தின்போது, செல்லும் இடங்களில், ஸ்ரீரங்கநாச்சியாரை அங்கு வரவழைப்பதற்குக் காரணமாகி விடுகிறாள் (அங்கு லக்ஷ்மி கடாக்ஷம் உண்டாகிறது). அனைத்து விருப்பங்களையும் அளிக்கவல்லவளாக உள்ளாள். இந்த உலகின் ரக்ஷணத்தின் பொருட்டு, ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகைகள், இராமாயணம் முதலான காவியங்கள் தோன்றக் காரணமாக இருந்தாள்.

The path on which the Paaduka travels is shining in brilliance. (Its path is the one following the footsteps of one-namely, Bharata-who went to Rama’s camp, by reason of his having spurned the rulership of the Kosala nation). It is one which grants all that one wants. And the Paaduka of Rama well merits the reputation of being the cause of birth of epics like Ramayana

Special notes by V. Sadagopan:

The prose order and the word splitting for this verseset in Garuda gathi chakra bhandham is as follows:

” KaavyAya-asTitha- maavarga-vyAja-yaatha-ga-mArgakA , kaamadhA jagatha: sTithyai: ranga-pungava-paadhukA ” .

The Garuda gathi chakra Bhandham can be represented in two geometric patters :

(1) Four circles with an empty center (inner most) circle and 5 lines start- ing from the periphery of that inner circle and reaching out to the out- ermost circle

(2) Five linked lotus petal shaped patterns with a common axis with TWO intersecting triangles formed by lines drawn from the center of those five lotus petals.

The slOkam yielding two types of Garuda gathi chakra Bhandahm has 32 aksharams to form the yanthram. Each paadam has 16 aksharams. Twenty of the 32 aksharas have been included in the formation of the two Garuda gathi chakra bhandhams.Among the twenty, the akshara that is repre- sented twice is “nga: ( R-nga and Pu-nga-va) found in the second paad- ham .Rest of the aksharams appear only once in the Bhandham, although they may occur more than once in the slOkam.

The aksharam “Kaa” has a special place in this verse. It appears FOUR times at the beginning and the end of each of the TWO paadhams (kaa- vyAya, Maarga-kaa, kaamadhA and Paadhu-kaa). This aksharam “Kaa” is represented only once in the Bhandham.

The Garuda gathi bhandham is split in to five sectors and each incorpo- rates four aksharAs adding up to a total of twenty. Only “nga” is repeated twice as one of the main aksharAs of the word,”Ra-nga”. The four fold patterns of aksharAs in the five sectors are:

  • (a) kaa,dhu,ma,vyA ,
  • (b) dhaa , ja , ga , yaa
  • (c) ta , sTi , thyai , ta:
  • (d) ra,ga,pu,maa
  • (e) nga, rga , paa and va

In both versions of this Garuda Bhandham, the center is empty.In the sec- ond version , the empty space is split in to five triangles .Two intersecting triangles from five points as in many yanthrAs .The outter most structure has five petals with five petals with five apexes . This bhandham is pat- terned after the flight pattern preferred by Garuda BhagavAn, another transport (Vaahanam) for the Lord likethe PaadhukAs.

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: SrI RanganAtha Paadhukais seek the welfare and prosperity of the people of the world and bless them with grains (annam), other riches and true knowledge (Jn~Anam). Thus, it be- comes the object of celebration by the poets.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: The intense compassion and deep gen- erosity of the PaadhukAs of the Lord of Srirangam blesses those who ap- pear before them with great soubhAgyams even if they did not have deep bhakthi towards them. They bless those devotees with material wealth/ Jn~Ana Sampath (thru LakshmI KatAksham), and the wealth of Jan~Anam (Jn~Ana Sampath). Once the Jn~Anam is born among the devotees and they perform SaraNAgathy, then the Paadhukais grant them the Parama purushArTam of Moksham. For us to be familiar with Their Vaibhavam, the Paadhukais incarnate with Their Lord during Vibhava and ArchAvathArams and reveal their prabhaavam through SrImadh RaamA- yaNam,


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