Paadukha Yanthram for Sunday


Sri RanganAtha padhukA sahasra shlOkams composed by Swami Desikan are all very powerful.

They have tremendous mantra siddhi and kaarya siddhi. Those from the chitra paddhathis (the 7 Yanthrams picked for the seven days) are very auspicious for worship by the ladies in this context.

Rice flour is the best for drawing the kolam .It can also be drawn on white cloth with colored dye (yellow) or drawn on copper or silver /gold plates. The aksharams can be invoked thru the japam, if you are drawing with rice flour. For yanthrams in copper plate, aksharams can be drawn and preserved for continuous use.

If you use rice flour the visarjanam (removal) can be done with the prayer

The yanthram itself is the Aaradhya moorthy. Additional deities need not be invoked or placed on yanthrams. Please use them. Please draw these kolams in your pooja gruhams, recite the shlokams of the day and after that gently remove by hand, the yan- thram after prostrating before it. Swamy Deshikan’s limitless skill as a poet is revealed in the creation of these slOkams in the yanthram (sabdha chithrams) in Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA ahasram (1000 shlOkams composed in less than three hours) in chithra padhathi section of the Sahasram.

PApAth apApAth apApA apAdhapAdhadapAdapA dapAdapaapAdhapAdhapAdhapA dhadhapAdhapA

பாபாதபாபாதபாபா அபாதபாதத பாதபா

தபாதபாபாதபாத பாதபா ததபாதபா

Additional information:

From Sridharan Swami of Namperumal Journal

933. பாபாதபாபாதபாபா அபாதபாதத பாதபா

தபாதபாபாதபாத பாதபா ததபாதபா

படித்தல் – இந்த ச்லோகத்தைப் பின்வருமாறு பிரித்துப் பொருள் கொள்ளவேண்டும்:

 பாபாத் அபாபாத் அபாபா அ பாத பாத த பாத பா

த பாத பாப அத பாத பாதபா தத பாத் அபா

 பொருள் – அடியார்களின் பாவங்களை நீக்குபவளாகவும்; ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளுக்கு வேண்டிய ஒளியை அளிக்கின்ற ஒளியைத் தன்னிடம் கொண்ட வளாகவும்; தன்னை ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் திருவடிகளில் ஸமர்ப்பிக்கின்றவர்கள் விஷயத்தில் காப்பாற்றும் அபிஷேக நீரை உடையவளாகவும், எப்போதும் காப்பாற்றுதலைச் செய்பளாகவும், பாவங்களை நீக்குவதற்காக இருக்கின்ற திருவடிகளைக் காப்பாற்றுபவளும் ஆகிய ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகைகள் என்னைப் பாவங்களில் இருந்து காப்பாற்றினாள்.

விளக்கம் – இந்த ச்லோகத்தில் த, ப என்ற இரண்டு மெய் எழுத்துக்களும்; அ, ஆ என்ற இரண்டு உயிர் எழுத்துக்களும் மட்டுமே உள்ளன. இதில் கடந்த ச்லோகம் போன்றே ஸர்வதோபத்ரம் உள்ளது.

Meaning :The PaadhukA makes us sinless; it bestows luster to the Lord’s feet (It confers effulgence to individual souls, which are aspects of the Lord). Its abhishekam water is capable of protection in respect of those who perform the service of respectfully inserting the PaadhukA into the Lord’s feet. Interestingly, it confers protection to the Lord’s feet, which are the source of protection to all the worlds and of annihilation of all of one’s sins. Those PaadhukAs saved me from sins!

Notes by V. Sadagopan swami:

SlOkam 933: This slOkam is used on SUNDAYS by the ladies of the house. This slOkam is known as “Dhvayaj~nAla SarvathO Bhadhram”. This sabdha chithram can be represented either as an 8 x 8 square or as an ashta dhaLa padhmam housing a circle and a chathur dhaLa padhmam. This entire slOkam is made up only of 2 aksahrams: dha and Paa.

Essentail Meaning of this slOkam: The paadhukhAs of the Lord are sinless. (The sadhAchAryAs / NammAzhwAr and his successors are sinless). The paadhukhAs protect the lustre of the eternal jIvans, who are part of the akhila Tanu, Sriman NaarAyaNan (Sri Rangan). They protect the Lord’s feet as well, the sacred feet, which destroy the sins of the jIvans. These PaadhukhAs protect further those, who bathe them and partake that Thirumanjana theertham. Swami Desikan states that he has been pro- tected by the PaadhukhAs of the Lord and the Sri Paadha-PaadhukhA Theertham and made sinless.

Additional meanings by V. Sadagopan: The divya paadhukhAs through their generosity, DayA and vaatsalyam bless one with all auspiciousness, when approached with reverence. Further they protect the Lord’s feet be- cause of its wonderful love (prEma adhisayam), which is the only upAyam for the ujjIvanam of the jIva rAsis. It serves as a shield against thorns et al during the Lord’s sanchArams. It removes the paapa raasis of the sajAthi- yAL out of immense compassion for them and restores in them the enjoy- ment of the Lord (Bhagavadh anubhavam). It recognizes that the Lord be- ing up in Sri Vaikuntam does not help the Jivaraasis here and brings Him on its back here amidst us to LeelA VibhUthi and gives us the Jn~Ana chakshus through manthrOpadEsams to us to see Him and His splendor here. Since it (Paadhukha) is equivalent to the Lord in its glory (AchArya PrabhAvam), it (the PaadhukhAs) illuminates the Lord’s Thiruvadi further and blesses us with Sri Paadha theertham and removes our ajn~Anam and destroys our sins completely. It becomes the AasrayaNam to reach the Lord and to receive His anugraham.

1. UtthamUr Swami’s anubhavam: The PaadhukAs are sinless and protect in themselves the lustre of the jeevans, who are derived from VishNu. They protect the Lord’s feet, which destroy the sins of Jeevans. These PaadhukAs protect further those, who offer them water for their sacred bath. They have protected me from the sins.

2. Srimath Andavan’s anubhavam: The inner meaning of this slOkam is:

(a) The AchAryAs as avathAra PurushAs establish the Parathvam of the Lord out of their abiding love for their Lord and intense compassion for the Jeevans through successful debates with kumathis

(b) By nature, these AchAryAs are devoid of sins and are intent on banishing the sins of those, who seek their protection. They purify those who provide help for their Bhagavath- AarAdhanam through the theertham from their AarAdhanam and their own SrI Paadha Theertham. Thus they save those who seek protection by banishing their nescience and sins.

3. This 933rd slOkam consisting of 2 Uyir yezhutthukkaL (A and Aa) and 2 Mey Yezhutthakkal (Pa, Dha) has to split in the following manner to reveal the meaning:

pApAth apApAth apApA apAdhapAdhadapAdapA dapAdapApAdhapAdhapAdhapA dadhapAdhapA

These PaadhukAs are free of sins (apApA); they store in them the rays at the sacred feet of the Lord that save chEthanams (a paadha padha dha pAdha paa). They have the Thirumanjana theerttham from those who place them at the Lord’s feet for their protection. They bless the seekers with rakshaNam (dha paadha); they chase away the sins of those, who seek  their rakshaNam (pApa adha). These are the Paadhukais that protect the sacred feet of the Lord (Paadha paadhapA). These Divine paadhukais have protected me from sins (pApAth apApAth).

Notes from:  Sri.MadhavakkaNNan Swami

paapaadhapaa paadhapaapaaa paadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa I dhapaadhapaa paadhpaadha paadhapaa dhadhapaadhapaa II

What a marvel! Stops have to be made at the right places when reciting it. The words (padhams) that come out of the above conglomeration of let- ters A, Aa, pa and dha are: paapAth (5) apApAth (6), apApA (1) apAdha- paadhadhapaadhapaa (2), dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha Paadhapaa (4) and dhadhapaadhapaa (3). The numbers behind the split of the words formed from the letters A, Aa, pa and dha are indicative of the sequence in the order of prosody (anvaya Kramam) of this verse:

apaapaa(1) apaadhapaadhadhapaadhapaa(2) dhadhapaadhapaa(3) dhapaa dhapaa paadhapaadha paadhapaa(4) paapaadh(5) apApAth(6).

apaapaa(1)= one free from sins (paapam and apApam)/(1)

A = akAra Vaachya VishNu BhagavAn’s (2)
paadha = at His sacred feet (2)
paadha = of the rays/kathir (2)
paa = that pair of feet storing the power of those rays for our protection (2)

dhadha = in the case of those, who offer unto Him, AchAryAs, who place the Jeevan at the feet of the Lord through Prapatthi (3)

paath = that which protects (3)
apaa = that which is in the form of abhshEka jalam (3)

dha = of protection (4)
paadha = which it is capable of realizing(4)

paapa= of sin (4)

adha = that which removes(4)

paadha = those feet of VishNu (RanganaathA)/(4)

paadhapaa = those paadhukhAs that protect such sacred pair of feet of the Lord (4)

paapAth = from sins (5)

apaapapaath = they saved me from my sins) (6)

It is a profound construction to say the least. One cannot but marvel at the genius of this great AchAryan. Sound and meaning are tightly coupled to celebrate the mahimai of Sri Ranganatha PaadhukhAs.


paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

dha paa dha paa paa dha paa dha

paa dha paa dha dha paa dha paa

paa paa dha paa paa dha paa paa

The English letters for the 1st P in Sanskrit alphabets and the 5th D (as in Daya, GOdhA) makes the above bhandham look like a rectangle. When the Sanskrit words are used, it will look like an 8 X 8 Square instead of like a rectangle as shown above. When you check against rows and columns in the above Chithra Bhandham, we come across a world of additional mean- ings. Sabdha Chithram (sound pictures for the audio memory), Artha Vaachya chithram (images based on special meanings) are evoked through this mathematical (geometrical) structures (SlOkams). It is a source of endless mystery about the glories of the Lord, His AchAryAs (paadhukhais), when we reflect on the individual slOkams of Swami Desi- kan’s masterpiece of a KhAvyam, Sri Ranganaatha PaadhukhA Sahasram

For more details of Padhuka commentaries series:

Source and courtesy : Opilliappan Sadagopan Swami(sundarasimham), Madhavakannan Swami, Sriram Srinivasan Swami and Sriman Sunder kidambi Swami, Sridharan Swami (namperumal journal)

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