Sahasra Deepam in SriRanganayaki Sannidhi At SriRangam


27 November 2021, Plava Varusha, Karthikai-11, Saturday;

On 26 November 2021, Friday evening, Sahasra Deepam was lit in SriRanganayaki Thayar Sannidhi, at SriRanganathaswami temple at Srirangam.

Lamps were lit in the decorative shapes of Srichakram, shankam and chakram forms, inside the temple premises, in the praharams. Devotees thronged the temple and participated enthusiastically in this event, without even worrying about the lashing rains. Temple Archakas organised this event in a grand manner. All the devotees got the blessings of Sri Ranganayaki Thayar and theertham and prasadam were distributed to the devotees.

Photos captured during the event is shared below:

Photo courtesy: Smt. Godha Srinivasan

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