Paadukha Yanthram for Thursday


Sri RanganAtha padhukA sahasra shlOkams composed by Swami Desikan are all very powerful.

They have tremendous mantra siddhi and kaarya siddhi. Those from the chitra paddhathis (the 7 Yanthrams picked for the seven days) are very auspicious for worship by the ladies in this context.

Rice flour is the best for drawing the kolam .It can also be drawn on white cloth with colored dye (yellow) or drawn on copper or silver /gold plates. The aksharams can be invoked thru the japam, if you are drawing with rice flour. For yanthrams in copper plate, aksharams can be drawn and preserved for continuous use.

If you use rice flour the visarjanam (removal) can be done with the prayer

The yanthram itself is the Aaradhya moorthy. Additional deities need not be invoked or placed on yanthrams. Please use them. Please draw these kolams in your pooja gruhams, recite the shlokams of the day and after that gently remove by hand, the yan- thram after prostrating before it. Swamy Deshikan’s limitless skill as a poet is revealed in the creation of these slOkams in the yanthram (sabdha chithrams) in Sri RanganAtha PaadhukA ahasram (1000 shlOkams composed in less than three hours) in chithra padhathi section of the Sahasram.

Paadukha Yanthram for Sunday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Monday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Tuesday can be found at:

Paadukha Yanthram for Wednesday can be found at:

For Thursday

surAsurArchithA DhanyA thungamangaLapAlikA

charAcharashrithA mAnyA rangapungavapAdhukA

ஸுரா ஸுரா ஆர்சிதா தந்யா துங்கமங்கள பாலிகா

சராசர அச்ரிதா மாந்யா ரங்க புங்கவ பாதுகா


GOmoothrikA bandham

The criss-cross pattern left on the ground by a cow that urinates while walking

susurcidhantunmanlali (A)
rA rA tA yA ga ga pA kA (A&B)

ca ca sri mAn ran pun va du (B)
Meaning: Ranganatha-Paaduka possesses an affluence extraordinary-i.e., the  affluence meant by service to the Lord. Devas and Asuras pay homage to it. Paaduka is also capable of safe-guarding our things auspicious. All movables and immovable cling to it. The Paaduka is worshipable to all.

Special Notes by V. Sadagopan:

Seven verses of SrI RanganAtha PaadhukA Sahasram have been identified by our AchAryAs for worship on the seven days of the week by the ladies of the house to bring auspiciousness to their families. This verse has been identified for worship on THURSDAYS. Ladies should draw the Dhvi- chatushkara Chakra Bandham formed by three circles and two squares with Lord RanganAthA’s Paadhukais at the epi-center. Between the 2nd and the innermost circle , the two intersecting squares are found in this Bhandham. This slOkam should be recited in front of that yanthram (kOlam) with bhakthi, while mediating on the glories of the Lord’s Paad- hukais.

This chithra slOkam (913) is set in a pattern (Bhandham) known as gO- moothrikA Bhandham. There are 32 letters in this verse starting with “Su” and ending with “kaa”. The first and second lines have symmetry of 16 letters. There is a pattern of relationship between the individual letters in the first and the second lines. The genius of Swamy Desikan in creating symmetries and echos of sounds is abundantly displayed here.The split of the 16 letters in each of the two lines and their sound symmetries to yield the gOmuthrikA Bhandham is shown below. Each letter in DevanAgari ak- sharam has to be put in 16 squares for the two lines to fully appreciate the genius of our AchAryan to generate pleasing acoustic echoes & lofty meanings:

Su–raa–su—- raa—archi-thaa dha-nyaa tu–nga ma-nga-La paa-li-kaa

cha-raa–cha–raa—-asri-thaa maa-nyaa Ra-nga pu-nga–va paa-dhu- kaa

1) UtthamUr Swamy’s anubhavam: Oh RanganAtha PaadhukE! Thou art worshipped by the DevAs and their cousins, the asurAs. Thus worshipped, you (the PaadhukAs) protect all auspiciousness in the world and are hon- ored for that upakAram. You (The PaadhukAs) have the distinct feature of housing all the sentient and insentient beings and perform that noble duty of protecting the auspiciousness.

2) SrImath Andavan’s anubhavam: The PaadhukAs are worshipped by the chieftains among the DevAs and AsurAs. They confer on them KshEmam. They are full of Iswaryam and bless those, who seek refuge with all auspi- ciousness. When one views the chara and achara roopams on the Paadhu- kAs painted for decoration purposes, one is reminded of the Viswa roopam of the Lord, where He protects all the worlds (Sentients and in- sentients) by keeping them in His body. The PaadhukAs of the Lord of SrIrangam is equivalent to Him in all aspects and are celebrated by the world for these glories.

3) Additional meanings by V. Sadagopan: The Lord’s PaadhukAs are wor- shipped by both DevAs and AsurAs (SurAsurArchitha). It has the bhAg- yam of joining with the Lord’s sacred feet, serves Him and enjoys Him through that kaimkaryam and becomes “DhanyA “. It protects all auspi- cousness that are at the top (Tunga MangaLa pAlikA). The PaadhukAs are sought as refuge by all chEthnams and achEthanams (present on them as carved images): “CharAchara aasrithA “. These PaadhukAs of Lord Ran- ganAthA are celebrated by one and all for these reasons (Ranga Pungava PaadhukA maanyA).

பொருள் – தேவர்களாலும் அசுரர்களாலும் பூஜிக்கப்படுபவள்; அனைத்து ஸம்பத்துகளும் நிறைந்தவள்; மிகவும் சிறந்த சுபங்கள் அனைத்தையும் காப்பவள்; நடப்பன, நிற்பன என்ற பலவற்றாலும் அடையத்தக்கவள் – இப்படிப்பட்டவளான ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதனின் பாதுகை அனைவராலும் கொண்டாத்தக்கவள் ஆவாள்.




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