Sri Stuthi – 9

Sri Vedavalli Thayar - Thiruvallikkeni
Sri Vedavalli Thayar - Thiruvallikkeni

This slOkam is recited to gain Keerthi in this world & to thrive.

Meaning according to Dr. M. NarasimhAchAry:

Some speak of You alone as the Supreme Power, while some others speak of Your beloved exclusively as the Supreme. But our firm conviction is that You the couple, constitute the Godhead.

Meaning according to Vaikunta Vaasi Villivalam NaarAyaNAcchAr Swamy:

Bhagavathy! Some say that You are the Supreme (PradhAnam). Others say Your Lord is the PradhAnam. Let these people with such diametrically opposite views quarrel like those who climb and fall. Let these little men, who quarrel among themselves after they arrive at an auspicious matter, do what they please! Indeed, Your Lord engages in the sport of Creation of the Universe etc for Your delight. When He does all these for Your pleasure, both of You residing at the center of Sruthis as the Divine Couple, are our Para Devathai.

Expanded meaning according to Vaikunta Vaasi Sri V.N.SrIrAma DesikAchAr:

Oh MahA Devi! There are many mathams and they have different views about Your Tattvam. Some say that You are the Empress of this universe. Using this view as their central belief, they interpret this view in different ways. One group states that You and NaarAyaNan are only one AathmA but have two separate bodies. Another group believes that EmperumAn is called as Lakshmi and there is no separate form for Lakshmi. Yet another group advocates that NaarAyaNan creates You for enjoying pleasure just as He took on Mohini Roopam during the churning for amrutham to bewitch the AsurAs. Few others say that NaarAyaNan has taken the female form and has the name of Lakshmi to unite with Her permanently. A select few believe that You are the Supreme most being over and above the three tatvams of ChEtanam, achEtanam and Iswaran. Thus all of these groups accept You, Bhagavathy, as SarvEswari and yet argue with each other along the above lines.

Opposing this view that Lakshmi is SarvEswari, a group denies Your SarvEswarathvam and insist that NaarAyaNan is the Lord of the entire universe (SarvEswaran) and that You (Lakshmi) has no claim to be called Iswari. They claim that you are a visEsha Jeevan.

These two groups that insist and reject Iswarathvam for Lakshmi argue vehemently for their points of view and become exhausted. These people declare that their views are backed by SaasthrAs and are unable to establish their points of views (i-e) they come forward to accept that Lakshmi is a separate Tatthvam and accept Her Vaibhavam but they fall apart by not accepting the Iswarathvam (nature of Being Iswari) of Lakshmi.

Oh Devi with all auspicious attributes! Our SiddhAntham is quite different. We believe that Your Lord engages in acts such as Creation of the beings of the world for Your pleasure (amusement). The VedAs appear to be talking about Him alone, when looked superficially. If one studies the Vedams deeply, it becomes clear that the inner meaning of the VedAs is about revering You both as equal. VedAs have also explicitly stated the above views. Therefore, We consider Both of You as Para Devathai. During the performance of Prapatthi, One has to accept both of You as UpAyam (means) for the offering of the AathmA. In some Yaj~nams, SaasthrAs point out that one has to combine two dEvathAs into One and offer the Havis to that united DEvathai. Therefore, One has to have BOTH OF YOU as the target to offer the AathmA as the Havis and THUS conclude the Prapatthi Yaj~nam successfully. As a fruit of that offering, the Muktha Jeevan should perform Nithya Kaimkaryam to BOTH OF YOU at Your Supreme abode. Both of You together shine as upAyam and phalan.

Additional Observations on the passages of the slOkam 7 of SrI Sthuthi:

1) “Bhagavathy! kathichith ThvAm yEva aahu:” (Some aver that You alone are the Iswari / Supreme Being and the Empress of the World) .

2) “aparE Thvath Priyam LokanATam aahu:” (Others insist that it is Your dear husband, who is the SarvEswaran).

3) These opposing groups dispute each other and get up and fall down (antha: kalaha malinai: kinchith uttheerya magnai: ).

4) What is the use of these disputants? (kim Thai:?).

5) Your dear husband performs all the Leelais (Srushti, RakshaNam and SamhAram) to gladden Your heart (Thvath sampreethyai: Viharathy Hari:).

6) The VedAs focusing on Hari have the core conviction that You as the Couple (Husband and Wife) are our Para DEvathai (Harou SammukeenAm srutheenAm bhAva aarUdau, Dampathy YUVAAM na: DHAIVATHAM).

To be continued…


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