Mudal Azhwaargal


AzhwAr means “One who immerses  himself”.  They really,  deeply immersed  themselves in their devotion and bhakti towards the Lord
Sriya:  Pathi  Sriman  Narayanan.  The  AzhwArs are  reported  to  be  incarnations  of  NithasUris of Sri Vaikuntam,  namely, the weapons, the Vanamaali, the GarudA, et  al.  They lived like human beings and burst out bhakti laden great works for the  sake of humanity.  The works of Azhwaars stood mysteriously a replica of the Vedas  themselves  and therefore came to be known as Dravida Veda.

AzhwAr’s  paasurams (poems) called  naalaayira dhivyap  prabhandam  composed by  twelve  AzhwArs.The paasurams were collected and brought out by one of the much  revered Sri vaishnava AchAryAs called Sriman  Naathamuni.

A brief introduction to the first three Azhwars – Sri Poigai Azhwar, Sri Bhudath Azhwar and Sri Pei Azhwar.The pasurams composed by them are known as (1) ‘mudhal thiruvandhaadi’, (2) ‘irandaam thiruvandhaadi’ and (3) ‘moondraam thiruvandhaadi’ respectively.

Here is a presentation on brief stories of Mudal Azhwaars

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