Ramanuja Nutranthathi – 53



ஸ்ரீமந் நாராயணனின், “இந்த உலகில் உள்ள அனைத்து உயிர்களும் கரையேற்றப்பட வேண்டும்”, என்ற ஆணையை ஏற்று, இந்த உலகிற்கு எம்பெருமானார் வந்தார். என்றாலும் இந்த உலகில் உள்ள அனைவரிலும் மிகவும் தாழ்ந்தவனாக உள்ளை என்னை அடிமை கொள்ளவே வந்தார். நான் உள்ள இடம் தேடி வந்த கற்பக மரம் போன்று இவர் உள்ளார். அனைத்து உயர்ந்த புருஷார்த்தங்களையும் அளிக்கவல்ல கற்பகம் போன்று உள்ளார். அனைத்து சாஸ்திரங்களையும் அறிந்தவர், பெரியவன் – சிறியவன் என்ற ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு பாராமல், அனைவருக்கும் சமமாக உள்ள தன்மை கொண்டவர் ஆவார். இப்படிப்பட்ட எம்பெருமானார் உபதேசித்தது என்னவென்றால் – உபதேசம் செய்வதற்கு மிகவும் கடினமான கருத்தாக உள்ள, “அனைத்து ஆத்மாக்கள், ஆத்மாக்கள் உள்ள அனைத்து லோகங்கள் ஆகிய அனைத்தும் – அனைவரிலும் மிகவும் உயர்ந்தவனாக உள்ள ஸ்ரீமந் நாராயணனுக்கே அடிமை”, என்று நிரூபித்தார். இத்தகைய உயர்ந்த கருத்தை இந்த உலகம் முழுவதிலும் வெளிப்படுத்த, இந்த உலகம் பிழைக்கும்படி, தானே வந்து அவதரித்தார். ஒரு சிலருக்கு, ஒரு சில காலம் மட்டுமே உபதேசம் செய்தார் என்று இல்லாமல், இந்த உலகினருக்கு எப்போதும் உள்ளபடி ஸ்ரீபாஷ்யம் போன்றவற்றை நிலைநிறுத்தினார்.

Last verse- Amudhanaar said: with his fame spread across the whole earth. Everyone came to know of Acharya saarvabhouman due to his unambiguous philosophy and based on true purport of Vedas; Now- he elaborates; he explains why… and how.


The most merciful Sri Ramanujacharya, who had come to my place searching for adiyEn, only to enslave me; who has got such a glorious nature of stooping down so low to my level (such a sowseelyam, because of which even the learned scholars fall in love with him); who has got such great nature of not seeing the defects or faults of others and moves with them in a fashion suitable and likeable to them., established the Greatest most important truth that the Paraman Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan alone is the SeshI (Master) and all the worlds, the innumerable, countless AthmAs (beings) living in them are all sEshans (servants). Even when none sought or asked for this; still, YathirAjar mercifully established this truth for our benefit.

aRputhan– the most wonderful One- resplendent one shining with sarva acharya lakshaNam

semmai– unison in mind, body and speech- all focus towards the Only One

ennai Ala vandha kaRpakam– the One who came to rule and enslave me [He is the walking kaRpaka tree [celestial tree that grants everything]
kaRRavar kaamuRu seelan– the scholars adore Him and worship Him for his most auspicious kalyANa guNAs
Iraamanusan vandhu– Such greatest Ramanuja took this avathAram karudha
ariya– the concept that other religions could not arrive at or understand this well

palapal uyirgaLum pal ulagu yaavum– all beings; and all worlds [praakrutha, apraakrutha samasatha chethana, achethanas]

paranadhu ennum than poruL thannai– they all the Supreme Lordship Sriman Narayanan’s property for serving Him only and for His pleasure

innaanilatthae naattinaan– This Philosophy – He established or expounded in all four corners of the world.

Karudha ariya– the ineffable- the most difficult to interpret the sacred Vedas and Upanishads as compiled by Veda Vyasa in such a way all statements mentioned in this Truthful Vedas don’t contradict each other and they supplement each other. The most compassionate acharya and most merciful One Sri Ramanuajcharya expounded this most unambiguous VisishtAdvaita Vedantha [which was already elaborated by Tankar, Dramida, Baaruchi and later by Sri Namamazhwar, Sriman Nathamuni, Sri Yamunaachaarya].

The word karudhariya– the difficult to follow- or interpret correctly- can mean the jeevas [being], the cosmic matter [achethanas] or the Iswara [God] tattvam. aRputhan- Only the SadhAchARyan- One who shines with complete Acharya lakshaNam would be admired and adored, respected by everyone in the world; especially scholars who are well versed in Vedantha would appreciate and are overwhelmed with such unambiguity in the wonderful explanation of this Acharya saarvabhouman. Also His sowseelyam; sowlabhyam stooping down to the level of his sishyas regardless of their jnAnam; His dayA on all His sishyas and also towards every being [samOham sarva bhoothEshu] makes then fall in love with this greatest acharya.

Hence kaRRavar kaamuRu seelan– They just love Him for His wonderful qualities.

They don’t find such kalyANa guNAs in anyone else. He has declared the tattva in such crystal clear terms as if He has seen them all. Some mistake even the achethanas [non-beings] as beings and attach themselves to it.

He is the One who declared the Vedic truth:

All the worlds are true; all beings are true; the Brahman Sriman Narayanan has them all as His property. They all exist for Him and for His pleasure; He is the master [Seshi]. . Thus the Parathvam is Sriman Narayana, the consort of Lakshmi, the master of all entities. He is the Supreme Being Isawara. All fully depend upon Him for their existence. It is His essential nature to the sustenance of all entities. He resides inside and outside all entities, controlling them by His will. He is the possessor of all entities. All entities exist solely for His pleasure. He is The Supreme One who is beyond the limits of length, time, and quantification applicable to lower entities. He is also omniscient, omnipotent, immensely compassionate, the protector of the Universe, the sole benefactor, the one who bestows salvation, The One experienced in absolute Bliss in SrivaikuNtam by mukthas and Nithya suris.

Other religions think and interpret in different manners taking few of Upanishad statements as True and rejects other statements that appear to be contradicting with their interpretations.

With Sareera Athma bhAvam, Ramanuja is able to connect all of those sruthi vaakyam, namely bhEdha, abhEdha and ghataka sruthis and establish with proof in its entirety. He was IsAvAssyam. . Thus having established them all in crystal clear terms, He has engulfed the whole world with his fame and He shined like the Lord Himself.



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