Anugraha BhAshaNams by Srimad Chinna Azhagiyasingar, Thiruppullani


Inspite of the many demands of HH 46th pattam Azhagiyasingar’s precious time, He has out of His infinite compassion set some time aside for his shishyas. Coming as it does from the VibhIshaNa SaraNAgathi Kshetram of ThiruppullANi makes it all the more special. These audios on anugraha BhAshaNams like the One created by Sriman Chellappa Swamy will be most valuable for those who could not listen to them now. For the benefit of them as well as for those who might not be able to understand Tamil , adiyEn seeks the permission of asmath AchAryan to summarize the major points of the upadEsam. Errors in transcription of the summary are entirely mine and adiyEn seeks the aparAdha KshAManam of our revered AchAryan for any unintended errors.

The key points that our revered AchAryan dwelt on are:

1. What is dharmam ? What are the reasons recommended for Dharma/Karma/AchAra anushtAnams ? Today , we are learning about some of them (YogAbhyAsam , PrANAyAmam, Soorya NamaskAram et al) from “ayalArs”. Vedams have dealt at great length about the importance of KarmAnushtAnams to chase away the Jaadyam in the body and preventing Narampu TaLarcchi ( weakness of the nervous system) and prepare us for a disease free life and Veda PrAyam to engage in higher pursuits . Vedams and dharma Saastram have even prescribed the necessary observances for each month and the ruthu of the year and the exact times at which each of the anushtAnam ( bathing , sandhyA Vandhanam, foods to be consumed based on the seasons) . We should follow the observances of the poorvALs , when we are in doubt about these observances . The importance of Karma VichAram and anushtAnam as a first step of the ladder for climbing up to higher plateaus for Brahma VichAram and ultimately to Brahma Jn~Anam leading up to Moksham was pointed out. The futility of performing ThiruvArAdhanam without performing SandhyA Vandhanams was pointed out .

2. Our revered AchAryan emphasized that no one based on Jaati-Matham-gender are excluded from DharmAnushtAnam / KarmAnushtAnam . These are common to one and all. Sthrees have their own dharmam to observe . Observance of dharmams will yield without doubt SrEyas .

3. Responding to a question on Ashtaka/anvashtaka SrAddhams , our revered AchAryan pointed out the importance of performing these SrAddhams that please the pitrus . Nonobservance of these important SrAdhdams will lead to great misfortunes . ( The most recent Asdhtakaa and anvashtakaa Sraddha tithis were Tai 2 and 3/ January 14 and 15). Our Revered AchAryan suggested that we should take it up hereafterwards even if we have not been observing them before . He mentioned that even if we do not perform ShaNNAvati SrAddham , we should not abandon Ashtakaa/Anvashtakaa SrAddhams for our Pitrus.

Written by Sri Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan Swami

For audio of the bhashanam, visit the following link


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